so sunwoo, jehoo and the bully were all in love with sanho.
sanho was killed by the bully then sunwoo killed him because he loved sanho enough, even though he was bullied by him few times.
jehoo and sunwoo are starting to fall in love because they see pieces of sanho memories in each others, also judging by the dream jehoo had where sanho called him a traitor and also the kiss they shared in the beginning.
the sister doesn't want both of them to get closer, so both continue being sad about sanho, so they don't forget about sanho. but then she took that back and told them good things are coming for both of you.
so sunwoo, jehoo and the bully were all in love with sanho.
sanho was killed by the bully then sunwoo killed him because he loved sanho enough, even though he was bullied by him few times.
jehoo and sunwoo are starting to fall in love because they see pieces of sanho memories in each others, also judging by the dream jehoo had where sanho called him a traitor and also the kiss they shared in the beginning.
the sister doesn't want both of them to get closer, so both continue being sad about sanho, so they don't forget about sanho. but then she took that back and told them good things are coming for both of you.
is this right? am I missing something?