why is top a black flag? because he tried killing bottom multiple times and raped him? i dropped this long ago and i think bottom is very tough and cool, will he really just get raped by that bitch top like that??? my main question, WHAT HAPPENS AT THE END???
yo i know u r lying. i heard something like they end up living minding their own business not loving each other. i need explanationnnn BBOONG
They actually fell in love with each other at the end. Zenya even visited Taku's house and helped his mother with house chores and got on her good side lol. I know it sounds too good to be true but thats what happens lmao.
They actually fell in love with each other at the end. Zenya even visited Taku's house and helped his mother with house chores and got on her good side lol. I know it sounds too good to be true but thats what h... Papaguro
i want to know did he rape him cause he 'loved' him then? or was he a sick rapist in a 'normal real life rapist' way...
i want to know did he rape him cause he 'loved' him then? or was he a sick rapist in a 'normal real life rapist' way... BBOONG
Not only did he rape him he also almost choked him to death...maybe twice? He r@ped him because he was obsessed with him also he's not a sick r@pist in general because he's so handsome and all he can get with whoever he wants and he never fuc3dk a guy before mc was his first.
SpoilersNot only did he rape him he also almost choked him to death...maybe twice? He r@ped him because he was obsessed with him also he's not a sick r@pist in general because he's so handsome and all he can ge... Papaguro
bruhhhh i just cant imagine someone as strong as taekjoo would get assaulted like that BRO WHY MAKE HIM SO DASHING THEN?? ITS SO UNREALISTIC judging from his looks, he's not supposed to let zenya walk over him LIKE THAT UGHH
why is top a black flag? because he tried killing bottom multiple times and raped him? i dropped this long ago and i think bottom is very tough and cool, will he really just get raped by that bitch top like that??? my main question, WHAT HAPPENS AT THE END???