Sorry to disappoint but it's not similar at all ( ̄∇ ̄")
It's a manhwa called Sexercise, which i also find really fun to read but for completely different reasons LOL it's because i find the premise so stupid and bc the characters are surprisingly likeable despite being a pornhwa
It's about a loser mc that signs up for a gym where they exercise by having sex...... even telling you what it's about it's making me laugh LMAOOOO it's so dumb
Here's the link just in case anyone's interested:
Shoutouts to the person that recommended me this in the comments of another manhwa, i'm having a lot of fun reading this!!
I feel for mc..... the bit of hope he had of leaving suddenly got crushed :( but hey, not EVERYTHING is lost, it's not like he's stuck suffering, and if all of the creatures he's met are any indication, he's gonna meet someone that can help him in no time :) i hope anyway.......