I dont think i will visit the novel for awhile

All Hail Yato March 23, 2024 4:53 am

Its been awhile but I've paused reading the novel where taekjoo finding the 'might be' spot of anastasia. If anyone could spoiled me about what happened after that event, it would be much appreciated

    Immortality March 23, 2024 5:52 am

    Do you mean like after the first rape?

    Taekjoo works with Salman (his original partner) to break into the Bogdanov mansion & ends up blowing up Anastasia blueprints. He ends up in a wild chase and gets to the korean embassy in Russia to only find Zhenya. He gets raped again & is dragged to Zhenya’s private non irl existing Island where it is really snowy. moments of almost kissing happen, more rape & violence. Zhenya’s sister shows up, for a vacation & to warn Zhenya about the president & the oldest brothers conversation (the president is getting mad and wants Zhenya to give up Anastasia). Taekjoo & Olga become friends & Taekjoo leaves the island with her. In Korea Taekjoo is wanted by the NIS and get evidence of his superior being corrupt. Zhenya follows him & they end up exposing the corruption and clear Taekjoos name. He & Zhenya Kiss and at this point in the story have sex. They stay in Korea

    All Hail Yato March 23, 2024 6:32 am
    Do you mean like after the first rape? Taekjoo works with Salman (his original partner) to break into the Bogdanov mansion & ends up blowing up Anastasia blueprints. He ends up in a wild chase and gets to t... Immortality

    Yeah that one!

    Wow figured his superior is sus af! Wondering how their character progression being unfold during that plot line. I might catch up in the novel again soon.

    Anyway it is more than what i asked for i appreciate it alot! thank you so much for the spoiler

    nana March 23, 2024 10:08 am
    Do you mean like after the first rape? Taekjoo works with Salman (his original partner) to break into the Bogdanov mansion & ends up blowing up Anastasia blueprints. He ends up in a wild chase and gets to t... Immortality

    did he gets raped by zhenya?

    Immortality March 23, 2024 6:01 pm
    did he gets raped by zhenya? nana

    a lot