
Lmao this is giving discussion board post energy, but I completely agree with you. Dan has a lot going on in his life and even if it isn't nurturing, he's getting something from being with Joo. I have a feeling nana is going to kick the bucket soon too, which will leave him no one but JK. He just can't catch a break, poor guy
I mean we all want Dan to leave but did y'all forget how much money he owes JK?
Plus he gives him a real good salary and he currently really needs the money.
Sure he owes him a lot cause tbh JK did help in many ways and Dan is such a lovely person that he is loyal to someone who helped him sm but I'm sure money is also the bigger issue here. Plus Dan was blackballed from the industry because of that creepy senior doc he rejected long ago so I'm sure he's worried about finding another job and especially finding one that doesn't involve pervs coming at him and pays well enough.
So Idk I feel like there's a sense of financial security and somewhat safety that Dan is worried about losing here too PLUS his feelings for/ crush on JK of course.
I can kinda understand where Dan's character is coming from, though he's being mistreated and abused in some ways he feels protected in many other ways and he prolly feels less alone cause for once someone is there to support him and sometimes stand up for him.
Don't get me wrong I think JK has a whole lot of character dev to do and sucks so bad in so many ways. But we need to understand where Dan is coming from. He's kind, sure. But he's far from dumb imo and his feelings are valid. He's just confused by JK's actions plus he sees him all the time and he's spending his days with him and being intimate with him (+he's handsome) so wonder he'd have these conflicting feelings.
It's unfortunate that they're not warming up to each other in the same way or same rate.
We'll have to wait and see.