I know Jaekyung's an asshole but Dan is also at fault

「soft serve」 March 23, 2024 2:33 am

Dan should've explained what happened the moment he could and don't tell me "well jaekyung didn't let him speak" because unless Dan was getting choked or being held at gunpoint to not say anything it takes 3 seconds to say "I got offered a deal from the opponent but I rejected it" even if jaekyung said "not now" he should've said it regardless and now he still refuses to say anything except "don't you trust me?" Like yeah soooo convincing both main characters are stupid

    Dr.Santallum March 23, 2024 2:44 am

    If I were dan, I would have grabbed jk by the collar and just say out - I NOT A FUCKING SPY, I Rejected THE MONEY FOR GOD'S SAKE..... even if I would get punched and kicked

    Just shout for once and tell him the whole truth... Goodness!! (╯°Д °)╯╧╧