So sad

thetruenickname March 23, 2024 12:25 am

When JJ says to doc Dumb “We both know how much you love money. I guess what I was giving just wasn’t cuttin’ it, huh?” my heart just BOOOOM…. Wow…. Wooooow… I never thought about it… but let’s think of it together…only US, the readers, know what’s in doc Dumb mind, what’s he is living and what’s his feelings… but if we see their interaction through the storyline and JJ point of view it was all about the money for doc Dumb. Every. single. time. Dumb decide to have segs with him because of the money he was offering, even if he told him he is free to leave if he’s not ok with it. Next day he left early without saying a word and not responding calls unless was told about the huge amount of money offered for the job. And asked for more to accept. He also asked to be payed in advance… for JJ birthday he thought about earning and spending a lot of mone for a present instead of thinking about his condition and needs (which he is employed for..) .. and now that! … wow, that’s what JJ has seen.. I’m not defending him because we all know he has a bad attitude and enjoy treat people harshly so.. red flag - he can go to f himself but.. Can’t blame him at all…

For doc DUMB: I can’t say more than you already said.
In conclusion, they are just a failure in communication. Both.

    ▪Square▪ March 23, 2024 1:56 am

    The way you keep saying doc dumb lmao
    But omg now I feel guilty
    Poor guy's been going through hell so maybe his brain quit or smth ㅠㅠ

    t0xīc March 23, 2024 2:14 am


    rei March 23, 2024 2:15 am

    This is so real but I literally just feel sooo bad for Kim Dan though. It’s not like he’s using the money for himself or his personal expenses but solely to pay for his grandmas treatment and I get when ur in the situation you’ll go through hell and back to make sure the person u love is okay

    shrao March 23, 2024 2:17 am

    doc dumb needs to speak up loudly for me , I am more concerned about what doc dumb will go through than all my life problems combined