He didn't own up to what he did in the past though? That's like saying a person that emotionally and physically abuses their lover gets a pass just because they're nice all of a sudden? Tf?
Development is making Yawhi work for it and actually showing the work through chapters, not through a timeskip. A timeskip is NOT development.
If you go back and count the chapters, the amount of chapters Yawhi has been remotely nice to Yawhi is less then the amount of chapters he's abusing Jooin. Hot garbage is an understatement honestly.

I know how you feel. When the writing itself is so obviously bad but they just don't know when to put their shipping goggles and accept it for its flaws. Their standards are so low below Hell that they think "learning how to love" someone and not treat them like crap when they're in a relationship is development when it's literally the bare minimum.

Yup, just the average mangago user honestly. They can't handle when someone criticize their favorite story especially when it's legitimate. I have over 2k BLs of read under my belt, my taste changed alot over the years and I can acknowledge that some of what used to be my favorite BLs were mid at best

And hopefully one day you can learn how to take negative criticism of something you enjoy instead of blindly licking the creator's feet of whatever they dish out. When you get in a relationship and your significant other abuses you mentally and humiliates you in public, but then he turns around and showers you with niceness as an act for forgiveness, hopefully you can forgive him just like Jooin forgave Yawhi .
Remind me to never read anything the author decides to write after that cuz this thing was a dumpster fire and honestly it was just a lazy and lousy attempt at a love triangle