did everyone forgot how gay ppl were treated years ago? actually until now, why are ppl so...

외톨이 March 22, 2024 3:24 pm

did everyone forgot how gay ppl were treated years ago? actually until now, why are ppl so mad at misaki at the last chap (extra), he experienced internal homophobia (is that the term?), literally forced himself to date girls and all that, he continued doing that until his adulthood, doesn't that says a lot? he's an unstable person that struggles bc of self loathing his sexuality

    I'm just here June 20, 2024 4:38 am

    at least to me I think his fear is very valid but I find it annoying how he mostly does whatever he wants (kind of as an extension of the rest of the story). I don't think he's evil or even particularly bad it's more the not feeling bad about destroying a CD someone obviously cares about and not really considering hey my partner wants to do something more romantic. I feel like in universe he should get a bit more flack for it.