I’m sorry, but this story is stupid. I don’t like the MC. I would’ve preferred it if...

Jabba the Cutie March 22, 2024 2:09 pm

I’m sorry, but this story is stupid. I don’t like the MC. I would’ve preferred it if she had tied up any loose ends with Izumi before dating Hachiya.

    Arisa March 23, 2024 1:02 am

    How would she do that?? The whole point is that she was looking for him for a year and couldn't find him

    Jabba the Cutie March 23, 2024 1:29 am
    How would she do that?? The whole point is that she was looking for him for a year and couldn't find him Arisa

    On chapter 7 or was it 8, when she ran out instead of that guy to meet him at the station. She didn’t. She stopped and went after Hachiya instead.

    Arisa March 23, 2024 2:24 am
    On chapter 7 or was it 8, when she ran out instead of that guy to meet him at the station. She didn’t. She stopped and went after Hachiya instead. Jabba the Cutie

    Yes but he ghosted her for a year, she tried to look for him, why should she stay with a dude like that or even give him the respect of tying everything you when he didn't do that for her

    Jabba the Cutie March 23, 2024 2:50 am
    Yes but he ghosted her for a year, she tried to look for him, why should she stay with a dude like that or even give him the respect of tying everything you when he didn't do that for her Arisa

    I never said she should stay with him. I said she should tie up loose ends. Which means, go meet him and say her goodbyes. This will eventually come back to bite her in the ass - we all know this.

    Jabba the Cutie March 23, 2024 2:51 am
    Yes but he ghosted her for a year, she tried to look for him, why should she stay with a dude like that or even give him the respect of tying everything you when he didn't do that for her Arisa

    Considering her personality, when he comes back, she’s going to feel super guilty as hell.

    Amnesia's Heroine March 23, 2024 8:06 am
    On chapter 7 or was it 8, when she ran out instead of that guy to meet him at the station. She didn’t. She stopped and went after Hachiya instead. Jabba the Cutie

    I thought he couldn’t show up in the end anyway? Didn’t he msg Hayato sorry can’t come?

    Jabba the Cutie March 23, 2024 1:58 pm
    I thought he couldn’t show up in the end anyway? Didn’t he msg Hayato sorry can’t come? Amnesia's Heroine

    Was that his message? For some reason, I thought that was hers. However, she didn’t know that he wouldn’t come if that was his message.

    Amnesia's Heroine March 23, 2024 5:53 pm
    Was that his message? For some reason, I thought that was hers. However, she didn’t know that he wouldn’t come if that was his message. Jabba the Cutie

    Idk I thought it was cuz like right after she showed up and apologized. So it wouldn’t make sense to apologize twice, I mean it would cuz she seems like the type but also huh??