Who is Jojo and what the fuck is going on with the comments

FoundingTinyTan March 21, 2024 4:55 pm

Who is Jojo and what the fuck is going on with the comments

    I Love Morning Diamonds aka me March 21, 2024 5:13 pm

    the topic below urs was written by a guy with like 5 different alt accounts (he thinks that Dan is a rapist while JK is not and thinks women should fantasize abt rape AND got caught asking a minor for pics) the person below my comment right now will be him (unless it’s u)

    Safety Advocate March 21, 2024 5:17 pm

    https://www.mangago.zone/home/people/3690382/ is an impersonating cyberstalker gaslighter that has many accounts harassing many people.
    They have admitted to being a pedo.
    Their lame gaslight has been debunked.

    Gaslighting --> (he thinks that Dan is a rapist while JK is not and thinks women should fantasize abt rape AND got caught asking a minor for pics) the person below my comment right now will be him (unless it’s u)

    I am not their target.

    Safety Advocate March 21, 2024 5:23 pm
    the topic below urs was written by a guy with like 5 different alt accounts (he thinks that Dan is a rapist while JK is not and thinks women should fantasize abt rape AND got caught asking a minor for pics) th... I Love Morning Diamonds aka me

    What you are doing is wrong. It is not acceptable.
    "he thinks that Dan is a rapist while JK is not"

    He quoted laws saying " Drinking alcohol – taking advantage of someone when they have had too much to drink, or have taken drugs, is rape."
    He uses a lot of links to show Jinx is sexual assault and non-con but not rape.

    and thinks women should fantasize abt rape" He posted TM's research that was objective reporting from sex experts.

    "AND got caught asking a minor for pics)"
    You and others tried to frame him. He did not email her. He wanted nothing to do with her.

    "the person below my comment right now will be him (unless it’s u)"

    He is no here. he wants nothing to do with your cowardly gaslighting cyberstalker impersonating attention-seeking self.

    Stop gaslighting and manipulating others what a loser thing to do.

    Safety Advocate March 21, 2024 5:24 pm

    Jojo is a cyberstalker who is harassing TM and his friends. https://www.mangago.zone/home/mangatopic/15661222/

    She followed TM to unfollow him to only start harassing him. She tried to blackmail MD.

    jojo March 21, 2024 5:27 pm

    hey jojo here just a random reader on mangago ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    Safety Advocate March 21, 2024 5:32 pm


    Do I have to post it where Jojo tried to blackmail them.

    Safety Advocate March 21, 2024 5:39 pm
    https://www.mangago.me/home/mangatopic/14596038/Do I have to post it where Jojo tried to blackmail them. Safety Advocate

    About this topic, MD told me it does not have after November to now with her harassment on her targets. If she was just a random reader she would not here every month targeting them and claiming they are attention-seeking

    I Love Morning Diamonds aka me March 21, 2024 5:45 pm

    btw u can look at my bio for all the names this guy has gone by!! he told me i raped him through the screen once for saying JK was a rapist

    Safety Advocate March 21, 2024 5:52 pm

    I have two accounts and you don't know my other account. MD has two accounts and he can't login his main account.

    He will never say someone raped him for saying JK was a rapist. From my knowledge that was said only at the beginning of August by two of them. TM and MI Amore. Mi Amore explained it and she meant to Yumytoo to stop screwing around with her after their outrageous claims about her. She returned how outrageous they were being. Since that went over the heads of the trolls. They dropped it after explaining it 3 or 4 times.

    gaslighting will not work.

    Safety Advocate March 21, 2024 5:55 pm

    Now if you call him a rape apologist or rape defender from your pov, they will use reverse Psychology on them saying If you think I am ignoring rape from your pov to call me a rape apologist since to me you are adding rape and obsessed with rape could I call you a rapist? It is to show how flawed their logic is but they gaslight it to the story or to Jaekyung being a rapist. They are deflecting from their behaviors.

    Safety Advocate March 21, 2024 6:12 pm

    1. Assertive Tigritude and Torakaze are the same person. He is married to a woman and straight. He deleted his Torakaze account in November. He did not want to response with his new account so he created Assertive Tig. And the cyberstalkers totally missed that was Tora. BAHAHAHAHA.

    2. Aloha I don't know about them. The stalkers assume she is a female.
    3. BelovedRose Is a rape survivor. She left the drama to come back to defend TM and others after hearing how they were treated. She deleted her account in November.
    4. Tmsmyz
    TM SM YZ
    Love Wins ~~TM SM
    TMSM for JinxLovers&JKstans

    This is all the same account. He has only one account.
    TM and SM are married. Two person on this account
    5. Candy and Candy stripes
    Same account. They had their own agenda and left. They don't know this person. They were forced to defend MD. We have been through this.
    6. Mi Amore Anon
    She was only in the drama at the beginning. She left and they keep adding her. She deleted her account in November. In November they were still including her.

    7. Morning Diamonds
    Empowered Guardian
    Protector for JinxFans&JKstans
    All from the same account. He defends people.

    8. Manhwaspicy I don't know about her.

    This is me and both names are from the same account.
    Safety Advocate
    Revealing Cyberstalkers

    My real account is not stated. They don't know who I am and assume I am MD.

    That is 9 (Or ten if you want to count SM) people they are trying to make one person. They have 18 names that include name changes on the same account to make it look like there are 18 accounts.

    Safety Advocate March 21, 2024 6:13 pm

    Same gaslighting tactics. This is them creating a false sense of power or influence by making it seem like one person has multiple accounts when no one cares. Literally,no one cares. It is a tactic used to intimidate or confuse their targets
    While making it seem like one person has multiple accounts, you have multiple accounts harassing "one" person. That is harassment. That is cyberstalking.

    Safety Advocate March 21, 2024 6:17 pm

    * means it has been impersonated by cyberstalkers, like https://www.mangago.zone/home/people/3690382/ who is above as I love Morning Diamonds aka me. That is not the real user.

    Assertive Tigritude *
    Aloha *
    BelovedRose *
    Candy *
    Candy stripes *
    TM SM YZ
    Mi Amore Anon
    Morning Diamonds *
    Empowered Guardian *
    Love Wins ~~TM SM *
    LoveWins~TMSM~LovingWarriors *
    Protector for JinxFans&JKstans *
    TMSM for JinxLovers&JKstans *
    I love Morning Diamonds aka me*
    Safety Advocate *
    Revealing Cyberstalkers *

    Xiyan March 21, 2024 6:20 pm
    the topic below urs was written by a guy with like 5 different alt accounts (he thinks that Dan is a rapist while JK is not and thinks women should fantasize abt rape AND got caught asking a minor for pics) th... I Love Morning Diamonds aka me

    now what in the fuck is going on w that persons brain

    Safety Advocate March 21, 2024 6:28 pm
    now what in the fuck is going on w that persons brain Xiyan

    That is a cyberstalker gaslighting. Are you that gullible? That is a great question for them as they have been shown the truth many times but keep the repetitive gaslighting and then claim we are mad over it. the. same. repetitive. gaslighting.

    BaileyBot March 21, 2024 6:42 pm

    Jojo is just a bystander. She's innocent. The weirdo stalking her is all one person and their alts. Here's proof they are all one person

    Safety Advocate March 21, 2024 6:57 pm

    Jojo is not just a bystander. Balieybot is gaslighting.

    Baileybot is https://www.mangago.zone/home/people/3690382/ That account is a sockpuppet.

    Jojo is stalking us.
    Baileybot is stalking us.
    We are stalking no one.

    I copied MD's words and it is something they have been doing. They have debunked that they have copied and pasted from many people and articles. The stalker bot has nothing. Their albums are nothing.

    They are friends. They are not the same person. More of the same gaslighting tactics. This is them creating a false sense of power or influence by making it seem like one person has multiple accounts when no one cares. No one cares. It is a tactic used to intimidate or confuse their targets

    While making it seem like one person has multiple accounts, you have multiple accounts harassing "one" person. That is harassment. That is cyberstalking.

    Safety Advocate March 21, 2024 6:58 pm

    We live in a world where your computers and phone will autocorrect things. So stalker bot has nothing. LAME WEAK SAUCE of a loser stalker. She just showed she stalked us.

    BaileyBot March 21, 2024 6:59 pm

    Poopy-di scoop


    I love Morning Diamonds aka me March 21, 2024 7:03 pm
    We live in a world where your computers and phone will autocorrect things. So stalker bot has nothing. LAME WEAK SAUCE of a loser stalker. She just showed she stalked us. Safety Advocate

    Hahaha. We are the same person on misspelled words that could be copied and pasted. Hahaha. What a joke.