this is random but like why didnt they just mix the skintones i dont think IN MOST CASES one would be that light if the other parent has dark skin LMAOO
My sister has three children and all of them are pale even though the Dad has dark skin. Genetics aren’t as simple as brown+white=tan. bi-lateral_general
My sister has three children and all of them are pale even though the Dad has dark skin. Genetics aren’t as simple as brown+white=tan. bi-lateral_general
ya that's true too, its just usually they come like a middle color this is at least in my situation with the people I've seen around me LOL but ya some siblings look a lot difference from each other in skin tone wise sometimes
this is random but like why didnt they just mix the skintones i dont think IN MOST CASES one would be that light if the other parent has dark skin LMAOO