
Ziel March 21, 2024 2:52 pm

In my opinion on this, kind of a bias. I'm kind of angry and needed space to say.
Just letting my angry state say this

I get that you guys wanted to wanted to protect mu? Because sex is free, that is true, and yes Maru is not totally a good guys,

But how will you feel if the one you love, treat sex like a snack?? Like he wanted sex as long as he wants, the reason why Maru didn't want to have a sex or getting involved with Mu in that situation because he didn't want to be in a similar situation as those guys who had already sex with Mu, he wanted to be different from others, because if he did sex and involve with Mu, he(Mu) will treat Maru the same as his sex friend and Maru didn't want that.

As for the sex part, it's not actually the bad one, since Mu was already done with sex before , it wasn't that hurt but the reason why there might be blood is because Maru is just too big for Mu. And the reason why Mu feel hurt was because Maru wasn't been gentle with Mu, and Mu wasn't really experience Rough sex , mostly Gentle ones.

As love?, If you think about it? Mary love Mu a bit longer than Mu, since ( wait I don't remember which manga was that but) it was said that even young, Maru like mu, how Maru feel when his crush, Having sex with so many people on those years while they have been friends.

In today's world, whether we like it or not as long someone said that they are not virgin anymore, many people will feel afraid or even disgusted with that person.

On Maru's case, He didn't hate Mu, instead He may feel like Mu was filthy since my had sex with so many people, I don't even know if Mu had AIDs on him. As for slut?, what people will call to someone who had sex with so many people?, I don't know if there's any names for that person aside from a slut? If there is, please let me know.

As the childish kiss? And letting Mu cry, I also read this different manga, but there was a situation where Mu can't sex or kiss anyone and There's a situation similar on this one that Mu was seen kissing a girl although was not shown but there's a person said it.

Maru was angry and so I guess Maru raped? Mu, But before that, Maru said something that made Mu cry, it was that Maru really couldn't stop himself,

If I were to say, because of those years, Maru seen Mu treating sex as, a game that he always play so that's why Maru did not trust Mu.

I guess that all?, I'm not angry any more, and I don't think it's enough? But I'll probably write more when I'm angry ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭
