I have a friend who's like ¼ Japanese and she told me that her relatives from Japan asked...

Decaaaakes March 21, 2024 4:49 am

I have a friend who's like ¼ Japanese and she told me that her relatives from Japan asked her if she's still a virgin and that kinda offended her and made her uncomfortable cuz she grew up here in the Philippines and in a rural place at that, and people here are sooo conservative. She's also a devoted Christian so I can't blame her for feeling that way cuz honestly that was lowkey harassment.

Then she said the relative explained that most teenagers in Japan are no longer virgins and that's what's normal there and she was shocked and now scared to even migrate there lmaoo

    dadxhiqui June 23, 2024 2:19 am

    Same thing in America, most teens have been sexually active and it’s pretty common to have friends with benefits. We’ve also had kids doing it at school in the past but it’s a small minority but still crazy that it even happens

    Decaaaakes June 23, 2024 6:24 am

    There's plenty of them in big cities too, cuz I have some friends telling me stories of how they're meeting ppl to hook up, and all the clubbing and shts, the only thing they didn't do is dr*gs. I'm open minded so I always lend an ear and It's also interesting to know things that aren't common in rural places or provinces. They're a minority here too, I also once heard one of my classmates being disgusted while talking about some girl from another course who has a fwb like it's some big deal(kinda ignorant and lowkey insecure if u ask me)