NGL these dumbasses didn't even investigate in the first life then executed Mia and her da...

Kawaiineko❤namjoon March 21, 2024 4:38 am

NGL these dumbasses didn't even investigate in the first life then executed Mia and her dad and now they want to do the same thing with Abel. Idiots. They were gonna do the same with Abel, if it wasn't for Mia saying she wants to go see him none of them would be there to investigate what's going on. They would've waited till last minute then executed Abel too. Plus why In The world did this idiot crown prince of a different country become so involved in a different countries business. You know I feel bad for Mia and Abel. They are literally kids. I don't mean teens I mean actual 11/12 year olds. What do they know. They are at school to learn. They're learning they don't already know anything. Arghhhh rant over.

    Nikite@1 March 31, 2024 9:37 pm

    I mean they are also kids themselves; their brains aren’t fully developed to comprehend the whole picture as a whole. They had their reasons especially the little Baroness. The Prince grew up believing in delivering justice for a better future. An extreme view of this is what led to Mia’s past and for that cult of evil to take advantage of this fact. If you read the books there are mini stories about the other timeline. SPOILERS.
    We get a glimpse on how the Prince became a stubborn and radical king who people feared instead of showing true respect for their king. This was after Mia’s advisor told the prince that he couldn’t follow him since he saw all the effort Mia put regardless of her dire situation and then left to not be found. He made the Prince question himself to then have Mia’s death haunt his conscience for a long time as he himself feared that he could be next if he fails. It is not a happy life for him at all. Especially since it led to an iron fist ruling which made his subjects and himself unhappy.

    Kawaiineko❤namjoon April 1, 2024 5:12 am
    I mean they are also kids themselves; their brains aren’t fully developed to comprehend the whole picture as a whole. They had their reasons especially the little Baroness. The Prince grew up believing in del... Nikite@1

    The spoilers do make me feel a bit better at the fact that he gets what's coming to him for what he did.