Kindred spirits ...!

《Lilas》--❦--❀ January 19, 2017 8:26 pm

A possible explanation for those who didn't understand the story.

I believe that this is one of the stories where a very simple theme becomes so obscure because it is shrouded in a veil of ambiguities. Basically, Atsuchi and Takase are kindred spirits. They communicated with each other for the first time through music and lyrics. Both can't stand being lonely (or rather being left alone) but they can't stand being in a crowd either. Their passion for music brought them together because it is the salvation from the dreadfulness they both feel. However, the more they spent time together, the more things became difficult for Takase because he is consumed by his passion for Atsuchi. On the one hand, he physically desires him more and more. On the other hand, he is stressed out at the thought of losing him which made him incapable of producing music. Atsuchi understood that his presence in Takase's life was intoxicating it, that is why he gave up on him for Nao. He walked away because he wanted his guy to produce music which they both need, especially that they communicate through it. Kenji plays the same role as Nao, he is just a minor partner who helps Atsuchi bring lyrics into life through music. Of course, both Atsuchi and Takase are two-timing but Nao and Kenji admit, in the last chapter, that they were just auxiliaries. I believe that at the end, Atsuchi and Kenji ceased their physical relationship; they just collaborate to produce music now. Finally, albeit the fact that Atsuchi and Takase live separately, the attraction they feel towards each other is automatically set into motion whenever and wherever they meet. By making music, Takase is constantly re-asserting his love for Atsuchi and for music which they both love. In other words they are making a compromise by living far from each other because they are like fire and water, they are both passionate but they neutralize each other whenever they come into contact with one another.
