Question for novel readers

Hiyorin March 21, 2024 3:36 am

Has anyone got to the point where Hibiki and Makoto meet? And how does she manipulate him? Same question with that other hero(annoying personality guy)... whatever his name did they meet and what happened next?

    Haru April 18, 2024 2:18 am

    Hibiki and Makoto meet in chapter 172. She runs into and recognizes him outside his store in Rotsgard. I wouldn't say she manipulates him, but she gets him to let his guard down and run his mouth. He and the very annoying hero (Tomoki) meet in chapter 178. Raidou is visiting the three most powerful countries starting with the Empire (the country backing Tomoki). I don't want to spoil it too much, but let's just say that Raidou makes him think twice about coveting Tomoe.

    Hiyorin April 18, 2024 3:25 am
    .....Hibiki and Makoto meet in chapter 172. She runs into and recognizes him outside his store in Rotsgard. I wouldn't say she manipulates him, but she gets him to let his guard down and run his mouth. He and t... Haru

    I am always welcome spoilers.. please spoil everything (▰˘◡˘▰)

    Haru April 18, 2024 3:53 am
    I am always welcome spoilers.. please spoil everything (▰˘◡˘▰) Hiyorin

    Spoiler Alert:

    Tomoki asked to be alone with Makoto and made a stupid demand. He insisted that Makoto hand over Tomoe. He'd even be willing to trade some of his powerful charmed girls (s*x sl*ves) for her. Makoto rages. He physically overwhelms the pathetic hero and beats him to a bloody pulp. He makes it very clear that he doesn't care what Tomoki does in the Empire, but Makoto's people are off-limits. Makoto heals him afterward so the Empire can't make a fuss. This breaks Tomoki's mind and becomes a source of nightmares/trauma.

    imaspade April 18, 2024 11:39 am
    Spoiler Alert: Tomoki asked to be alone with Makoto and made a stupid demand. He insisted that Makoto hand over Tomoe. He'd even be willing to trade some of his powerful charmed girls (s*x sl*ves) for her. Mako... Haru

    You don't know how much this made me smile ε=ε=(ノ≧∇≦)ノ

    Hiyorin April 18, 2024 2:23 pm
    Spoiler Alert: Tomoki asked to be alone with Makoto and made a stupid demand. He insisted that Makoto hand over Tomoe. He'd even be willing to trade some of his powerful charmed girls (s*x sl*ves) for her. Mako... Haru

    yes! yes! yes! yes! yeeeesssss!!!!!!! much i wanted to tomoki to be beaten to a pulp.....damn yeah!!(▰˘◡˘▰)

    SilverVine_Cat April 19, 2024 4:31 am
    yes! yes! yes! yes! yeeeesssss!!!!!!! much i wanted to tomoki to be beaten to a pulp.....damn yeah!!(▰˘◡˘▰) Hiyorin

    You haven't even reached the limit of that feeling based on what's happened in the manga so far.






    In the novel Tomoki gets even more infuriating. Someone mentioned it above, but Tomoki "offers" a "trade" to Makoto. He wants to "trade" his female knight companions (the weaker ones btw which makes Tomoki even worse) for Tomoe. When Makoto refuses he assumes Makoto wants demi-human women instead and attempts to offer them to him instead. I'll add that Tomoki is using his charm skill during this entire conversation to try to force Makoto to like him and agree. When Makoto (who is doing his best to control his rage and not cause an international incident by beating the crap out of the hero in his home country) refuses a third time, Tomoki immediately blows up and just straight up tries to kill Makoto without hesitation. He uses like five boost skills and has his full gear on (that he never takes off cuz he's a coward) in a surprise attack, so when Makoto blocks it Tomoki is scared shitless. Makoto tells Tomoki in a calm, seething, rage "this is self defense now, you piece of trash" and starts punching him straight through the defensive skills that he activates. Tomoki has the nerve to ask something to the effect of "what's the big deal, it's just a woman" as he's getting tossed around. Seeing that Tomoki still doesn't understand how much he fucked up yet, Makoto decides to kick the ass-kicking up a notch. See, Tomoki explained during his threats that the room they're in has an isolation barrier cast on it, so nobody outside can tell what's going on inside. Makoto takes advantage of that and releases his mana concealment barrier, allowing Tomoki to see the mana that leaks out from his body that is so dense that it distorts the air and causes a fucking mirage. This is when Makoto explains to Tomoki that he doesn't give a damn what he does within the Empire's borders, but he will personally come to hunt him down if he tries anything against Tomoe or any of his other followers. After thoroughly beating the ever loving shit out of Tomoki until he's out cold, Makoto begins to heal him. Once he can speak again Tomoki screams at Makoto saying, "What kind of monster are you?! You won't get away with this!" He explains that he should feel thankful to the Empire for babysitting his trashy ass, because if it weren't for the Empire backing him, he would already be fucking dead. This makes Tomoki realize that Makoto can, and would, actually kill him. He starts screaming that he'll tell everyone what Makoto did, and that they'll believe him because of the charm ability, and Makoto says that if he does say it, he should say goodbye to the palace, everyone that he's charmed, and his life as a hero, because it would only take five minutes to destroy everything he's ever had in this world.

    SilverVine_Cat April 19, 2024 5:19 am
    I am always welcome spoilers.. please spoil everything (▰˘◡˘▰) Hiyorin

    Hibiki and Makoto Reunion Spoiler







    As the person above says, she doesn't technically manipulate him. She does however attempt to force her ideals on him. As I remember, after they catch up for a bit and he explains generally how he's been doing lately, she notices something "off" about the way he speaks about the war between the hyumans and demons, noticing his neutral stance. She questions why he's not siding with the hyuman side and the Goddess despite being summoned as a hero. She's seen how strong Mio is and wonders why he doesn't take Mio to the front lines while he acts as a supplier for the hyuman military (she doesn't know about his combat abilities at this point). Makoto gives her a reality check and explains that he wasn't summoned by the goddess, he was abducted by her. Abducted and then thrown out into the middle of the wasteland with no help whatsoever. He explains that while she was warmly welcomed by the goddess and the hyumans around her, he was treated like a monster by them, so he has no reason or desire to do her bidding.

    I think he storms off at that point and Hibiki is too shocked to follow him. They then meet again later after he saves her (the goddess teleported him again, but this time he forced her to give him something in return) and they talk more after she finds out how strong he is and tries to convince him to join the hyuman side again, saying that yeah he probably resents the goddess and the hyumans for what they've done to him, but it's not like all hyumans are bad, and that shouldn't stop him from doing what's "right."

    Upon hearing that righteous load of bullshit, Makoto stops dead in his tracks and just looks at her confusedly. He explains to her that all he wants to do is find a way back home, so he has no plans on participating in the goddess' genocide.

    Hibiki is taken aback by the word "genocide" and asks what the hell he's talking about. He gives her a history lesson based on what he heard from a relatively neutral party (Root) about how the war between hyumans and demons started. He explains that the goddess was the one who started the conflict in the first place because she wanted to get rid of the demons. She wanted 100% extinction of the demons AND demi-humans (eventually), so she only supported the hyumans and to a massive extent. She almost accomplished her goal too, driving the demons to the farthest northern lands and reducing their population from the start of the war by 80%, while the hyumans suffered minimal losses. The only reason she had to summon the heros at all is because after she expended too much power trying to protect Elysion (what actually expended it was sending Makoto's parents to Japan safely) and ended up having to go to sleep for ten years (or something like that), the demons (who had superior tactics to start with) fought back fiercely and overwhelmed the humans while she was asleep. She abducted him and summoned the heros as soon as she woke up and realized that her favorite hyumans were on the losing side instead of the "nasty" demons. He finishes his lesson by asking Hibiki if she thinks genocide is "what's right" and then leaves her behind.

    This encounter makes Hibiki re-evaluate herself and her thoughts on the goddess, but eventually she comes to the conclusion that from now on she will try to learn more about the demon's side and figure out if Makoto was telling her the truth. After the two encounters with him, she finds him terrifying and unnerving, like how you might see a psychopath (though Makoto is more of a sociopath as we could see from the fact that he had to "learn" that death was sad). With the amount of power he wields, he could decimate an entire country in a single day, even excluding his followers. She sees him as dangerous because his ideals clash with hers, but she also can't refute them. She's also smart though, unlike Tomoki. She tries to be on good terms with Makoto so that he might decided to help her and the hyumans as a personal favor one day instead of seeing it as helping the goddess. She decides that if she can't sway him to her side, she should at least make sure he stays neutral and doesn't side with the demons.

    LynxSeoltang April 22, 2024 9:01 am
    Hibiki and Makoto Reunion Spoiler********As the person above says, she doesn't technically manipulate him. She does however attempt to force her ideals on him. As I remember, after they catch up for a bit and h... SilverVine_Cat

    Can I ask where are you reading the web novel? I want to read it too please

    CathyBLover May 22, 2024 6:56 am

    Reading these spoilers was a wonderful start of my day! Especially the one-sided beating, can't wait to see it myself!

    Reio May 23, 2024 2:01 pm
    Hibiki and Makoto Reunion Spoiler********As the person above says, she doesn't technically manipulate him. She does however attempt to force her ideals on him. As I remember, after they catch up for a bit and h... SilverVine_Cat

    She also noticed what tomoe and mio noticed, that he has doesn't discriminate again demi-humans but does discriminates against hyumans. Makoto isn't really neutral and could actually become a danger to hyumans