By their logic your message is short and not mad. There is nothing there to say you are mad. Bahaha weak gaslighting cowards.
I don't know if many people standing up to them would make them stop they would think
they are getting the reaction they need instead as they turned your comments around.
They have to start seeing they are in the wrong and their disgusting words have no effect on the real us. They are wishing and hoping we get mad when they are mad.

Chris Hansen is here to shove more disgusting gaslighting down people’s throats.
The user @SafetyAdvocate isn’t MD.
Chris Hansen and co are confirmed child groomers and rape defenders. Who knows what else they have committed outside of Mangago. They have a multitude of alt accounts impersonating Morning diamonds, Aloha, Tmsmyz, and assertive tigritude to name a few. They will not impersonate Manhwaspicy.
MD has not accused Dan and every reader who says Jaekyung raped Dan of being rapists. He knows Jaekyung of not one. In chapter 35. When Dan said no ''Am I allowed to say no?" "No", doesn’t understand Joo or that no one is ever required to have sex with someone.
Jaekyung allowing Heesung to see Dan breached his consent. That isn’t rape. How is Heesung raping him. It is sexual assault.
Rose’s account was created in 2020. She is a rape survivor. Chris Hansen is a rape apologist denying she was raped. Reluctant to Believe Survivors is on the list. https://www.shatteringthesilence.org/blog/identifying-a-rape-apologist
“his defense when people weren't agreeing with him. “ Gaslighting the haters attack him because he posts facts. It is them not agreeing with facts, not him.
As for being a pedophile, the cyberstalkers tried to framed him. The cyberstalkers admitted to being pedos. They added grooming later. No one knew her age until she said after which isn’t her age. She framed him. He didn’t impersonate her. He never DMed the creepy fake gaslighting victim who tried to frame him and is a sock puppet. Chris Hansen is gaslighting about the things he said. Chris Hansen is used when they are losing and feel threatened. They lost months ago.
In another post Chris Hansen showed this was all a lie.it is the cyberstalkers being angry and butthurt over their own actions. They need to take accountability for their actions. Their words are about themselves as they are self projecting. We know the truth and their disgusting behavior says more about them than it says about their targets. Their words can’t define their targets. Chris Hansen is a gaslighting the same garbage showing how much they are in denial.

They keep spam the same deceptive gibberish.
They think we are mad? It is like talking to a NPC.
They are the same person has been said one million times.
The gaslighting on framing him has been said thousands of times.
It is disturbing how desperate they are to hurt MD and have us mad. We never been mad. We have been disappointed at them. We don’t like the gaslighting, framing him and slandering others. Everyone wants them to stop right now. We see them and what they are doing. They can’t fool us. It is not our jobs to boost their fragile ego. I choose not to be manipulated by them.
The cyberstalkers are gaslighting and trying to frame someone of their actions. They are impersonating their targets and trying to frame one (which they make as all of their targets). You could be next.
Everything they said about their targets is false information. They have many false accusations.
Their behavior is saying a lot about them. We know the truth.
No matter what your POV is, and they don’t know MD’s or mine.
I think maybe we need to stand up to them and tell them to stop.
Their “fun” is boring and ruining this page. They think everyone is on their side and against MD. Cyberstalking people is never okay. They think they are trolling. They are not. Trolling is not okay either. “Trolling is for cowards”, objectively reporting.