Cyberstalking Comment Section mess summarised

I Love Morning Diamonds aka me March 20, 2024 2:41 pm


Basically there's a rape defender who thinks it's normal for women to fantasise abt rape (proof of this is in his real Empowered Gaurdian MD n account) as well as the fact that jaekyung isn't a rapist in the comments section; when they see that people aren't agreeing with them they make alternative accounts to back themselves up but forget to change their speech pattern (it's easy to tell since they always write in paragraphs)

This person has messaged a MINOR asking for pictures and then when this MINOR told someone and put her proof on her own profile, this guy impersonated the poor child and told everyone on this account that the minor was lying. (bc that’s how u prove ur innocent!!!! LMFAO)

one of these alt accounts they made was a rape victim- only someone they used when his argument didn't have value anymore. Ppl thought that this person (the victim) MAY have been a real person at first but then at least 4 other alt accounts with the exact same speech style showed up. He told us that WE were raping him by having different opinions of him too (but denies that JK does rape) and constantly tells us that he is our victim and that were all gaslighting bully cowards and whatnot

If you look in my bio you'll see ALL the names he's gone by and then if you look in the topic section here, you'll see these accounts interacting with each other.... this ONE singular person has claimed that we have forced all his alts (his friends) off of this website. However he doesnt do a good job in managing to keep track of which alt says what so pretends that the alts uses each others accounts.

I think some of the alts r married to each other too we're only trolling bc he keeps responding by making new accounts, even month old threads that he got destroyed on he uses an alt account to tell us that the person who got destroyed was bullied blah blah blah

Some people have started trolling him (including me) but yeah it’s just funny to us

To be honest I’m only providing this because you can be amused with us while we troll i’m not trying to be morally better or anything at all, nor r we trying to be right but since there’s nothing to do, here we are no sides, no right wrong, just context

    I Love Morning Diamonds aka me March 20, 2024 10:45 pm

    Gaslighting isn’t a crime :yawn: so we are free to do so SA-er. why don’t u *scoop* low and try and find another thing to insult us with u freak who impersonates minors

    Son Minji March 20, 2024 11:37 pm
    I answered to a topic once and had to deal with a 4 pages long commentary of him attacking the creator and all the people who previously responded to the topic. Im tired I can't comment my mind or make jokes bc... Mioro


    I love Morning Diamonds aka me March 20, 2024 11:38 pm

    Cyberstalking is a crime. Impersonating is a crime. Framing someone is a crime.
    You are not free to do anything you want. You are the one trying to insult us. You are definitely defining yourself who pretends that was a minor as you frame him for a “crime”. You are breaking laws.

    Yeah this is an illegal site. It does not mean you can act like a loser and harass others. Gaslighting is abuse. You are being overdramatic.

    You have a different reality of what happened. Let’s not debate it. Your manipulation is not okay. What you are doing is not okay. Framing someone isn’t okay. Please seek therapy
    . You can’t control others. We don’t accept your behavior. You admit to gaslighting and “trolling” (cyberstalking) and that is dishonesty at the core.
    Now you are making fun of his initials what a pathetic excuse to be a coward. You are impersonating someone too you freak. How old is MD? Before Candy you made him a minor. After Candy you made yourself look like a loser.
    This is not for fun. It is not because he is “easy” to “troll victim”. This is revenge for something you did to him and he stood up to you bad behavior. He is hard if you went to far breaking laws and impersonating him. Trolls don’t do this. Trolls don’t unite. Cyber bullies and other gaslighters do. You are nothing special.
    Also, you are making fun of a mistake and that person could be dyslexic. Shame on you. You never ate. You never outed anyone but you. Stop living in your fantasy and look at reality. He is telling you no and stop. We are saying no and stop. We don’t accept your tantrums. Stop crying and grow a heart.

    I love Morning Diamonds aka me March 20, 2024 11:39 pm
    You are dense. That was gaslighting. Gaslighting is not his crime, it is the ones gaslighting him and his friends' crime. The topic does not support the claim here. He was attacked in the topic. You guys are ma... Safety Advocate

    Hey that mistake was that from MD’s wording or was MD coping and pasting from the one who is dyslexic.

    I love Morning Diamonds aka me March 20, 2024 11:43 pm

    Son called us trolls and she laughed at a lie that falsely accused someone. I wonder if she an alt or another troll

    I Love Morning Diamonds aka me March 20, 2024 11:45 pm

    So ur a dyslexic pedo? pick a struggle mate

    I Love Morning Diamonds aka me March 20, 2024 11:47 pm

    @Son Minji you’ve been selected as the next target good luck

    I love Morning Diamonds aka me March 20, 2024 11:57 pm
    So ur a dyslexic pedo? pick a struggle mate I Love Morning Diamonds aka me

    I am not going to be manipulated or gaslighted. You are disgusting for being dishonest. You have admitted to being a pedo. I said MD’s friend are you that much of a dunce?
    You showed you have no credibility.

    I love Morning Diamonds aka me March 20, 2024 11:59 pm
    @Son Minji you’ve been selected as the next target good luck I Love Morning Diamonds aka me

    You are the one targeting people. See your profile. I don’t accept your deflecting your cowardice behavior as if it was mine. No gurl! Own your cowardly actions

    I Love Morning Diamonds aka me March 21, 2024 7:34 am

    being a dunce ≠ credibility get well soon. also can u post ur research about how it’s normal to fantasise about rape again? or is that not credible now that multiple people debunked it

    I love Morning Diamonds aka me March 21, 2024 1:02 pm

    Get well soon as you live in a fantasy. Your gaslighting is not going to work. I never posted that research and no one debunked it. Yeah this is an illegal site. It does not mean you can act like a loser and harass others. Gaslighting is abuse. You are being overdramatic.

    You have a different reality of what happened. Let’s not debate it. Your manipulation is not okay. What you are doing is not okay. Framing someone isn’t okay. Please seek therapy
    . You can’t control others. We don’t accept your behavior. You admit to gaslighting and “trolling” (cyberstalking) and that is dishonesty at the core.

    TMSM for JinxLovers&JKstans March 21, 2024 8:20 pm

    He knows he's projecting, the way i go about reading his sleep inducing rants is thinking the opposite. since i was there when all of what happened after feb and he never once failed to lie, i apply that to everything else. he knows his fantasy thinking isn't reality, so he knows he can't debate it. he knows he needs therapy because he was never able to control others. and finally he indirectly admitted to zll this,