Sorry but I don't understand why this has a high rating 1. The art isn't good, especially ...

b r o k e n b a l l a d March 20, 2024 2:14 pm

Sorry but I don't understand why this has a high rating
1. The art isn't good, especially the proportions
2. Very unrealistic, who the hell will trust a person so easily and go to their house in heat? Though i can just accept it cause it's manhwa anyway
3. (read up to ep 6) the seme is basically using the uke as replacement. It'd be fine if he fell for him because of any other reason other than he has the scent identical to his deceased husband. Idk if the rest of the chapters will justify that and say "they're different after all bla bla bla)
4. Nothing special, very cliché tropes

    SaphirBlack March 20, 2024 5:49 pm

    I couldn't agree more w ur third point. I can't stop thinking about it that it makes me anxious. I'm fine w the other points tho

    blue March 20, 2024 5:58 pm

    it’s fiction get over it not everything has to make sense. people just like the story that’s why it’s rating is high

    ✨L£vi's dADDęy✨ March 20, 2024 7:00 pm
    it’s fiction get over it not everything has to make sense. people just like the story that’s why it’s rating is high blue

    It doesn't have to follow logic. But it would at least have to have a good plot if not then art for a high rating. But nonetheless its only high bcs only very few ppl have read it.

    Ree Urr March 20, 2024 7:31 pm

    at first i gave it a 5 star bc yk its kinda cute i kinda like where its going but honestly the highest rating this should get is a 2 star imo.

    blue March 20, 2024 8:01 pm
    It doesn't have to follow logic. But it would at least have to have a good plot if not then art for a high rating. But nonetheless its only high bcs only very few ppl have read it. ✨L£vi's dADDęy✨

    the plot isn’t good enough for YOU not everyone else, i understand the plot completely and this is a good read. your single opinion isn’t gonna change that

    ✨L£vi's dADDęy✨ March 20, 2024 9:16 pm
    the plot isn’t good enough for YOU not everyone else, i understand the plot completely and this is a good read. your single opinion isn’t gonna change that blue

    Am I trying to change Ur opinion or something? No. U can read this ugly art and I wont care lmao.

    Well done for understanding the plot like everyone else, that wasn't hard....
    If for u it's a good read, why would I bother waste my time to convince someone over some mediocre story like dis much less even try to change someones mind who'd like this story. Like I get it some ppl just r into the weird cliche tropes.

    My reply was also for stating reasons as to why the rating is high, not to advocate against this.

    b r o k e n b a l l a d March 20, 2024 11:03 pm
    it’s fiction get over it not everything has to make sense. people just like the story that’s why it’s rating is high blue

    We understand that you're not too much of a fan of logic. Just say that next time.

    blue March 21, 2024 5:12 am
    Am I trying to change Ur opinion or something? No. U can read this ugly art and I wont care lmao.Well done for understanding the plot like everyone else, that wasn't hard....If for u it's a good read, why would... ✨L£vi's dADDęy✨

    i obviously don’t care how much you hate a story with only 7 chapters you can call it ugly and mediocre cos i know 100% you can never do better and your only takes on this is 1 it’s unrealistic, LMAO it’s fiction, 2 bad art, the art isn’t even that bad i know tons of other bls with much worse, and you assuming the seme is using the uke YOU don’t even know that so how you gonna put that in a statement as to why you dislike it when that’s not true. get off the little high horse you have

    blue March 21, 2024 5:13 am
    We understand that you're not too much of a fan of logic. Just say that next time. b r o k e n b a l l a d

    it has logic not my fault yall to dumb to understand it

    blue March 21, 2024 5:15 am
    We understand that you're not too much of a fan of logic. Just say that next time. b r o k e n b a l l a d

    and that’s the only thing you can say love it when people don’t have a counter argument

    b r o k e n b a l l a d March 21, 2024 11:27 am
    We understand that you're not too much of a fan of logic. Just say that next time. b r o k e n b a l l a d

    The user above blocked me so this is my reply to you. //

    You just replied that "not everything has to make sense" on my original post that says this manhwa is unrealistic. Meaning ,you were acknowledging this manhwa has no logic, and now suddenly, it has logic?

    Oh come on now, you just proved my point. You really don't Iike logic.

    ✨L£vi's dADDęy✨ March 21, 2024 9:04 pm
    i obviously don’t care how much you hate a story with only 7 chapters you can call it ugly and mediocre cos i know 100% you can never do better and your only takes on this is 1 it’s unrealistic, LMAO it’... blue

    Ur practically fighting the air like hellooo I didn't even say that, that comment is a whole different user.

    Did I say I was good artist? Is that my job? Do I make living off that? Why would that even matter...
    Art is subjective until it reaches a threshold of how bad it can be, that's when it's trash.
    Wether I can draw or not doesn't change their art is bad lmao.....
    Just cause the art isn't bad enough to be considered shit doesn't mean it's still not shit

    What high horse? Do u hear urself....Ur acting like I'm making up such grandiose shit up when all im doing is stating what's going on so far.
    Like dude come back to me when it's completed to tell me that, did he or did he not approach him just cause his scent was of his hisband.
    Ofc u could argue that in future ch there'll be some sort of flashback that will give us the white hair dudes POV. BUT we don't have THAT, THIS is what's happening in the present AND this is what it's basically like for the receiveng end (the other dude)- practically a replacement.

    Idk how u can deny that....that was the reason they slept together ... Ur practically reaching and clutching nothing to think that was not how their meeting all began.

    blue March 21, 2024 10:21 pm
    Ur practically fighting the air like hellooo I didn't even say that, that comment is a whole different user.Did I say I was good artist? Is that my job? Do I make living off that? Why would that even matter...... ✨L£vi's dADDęy✨

    you’re so dense

    ✨L£vi's dADDęy✨ March 21, 2024 10:37 pm

    ^ And "that’s the only thing you can say , love it when people don’t have a counter argument"
    U rly can't keep a consistent argument can u? Always contradicting urself every change u get

    Bitch ik u reading this lmao. U blocking me alr shows how narrow minded u are.