You can't tell me that cheek kiss she gave her brother doesn't look provocative. A cheek kiss is innocent but it literally looks like a kiss on the mouth. No, I won't shut up about it. This series is sexualizing the twins and dad so hard and how much they looove enisha, it's weird and those scenes make it obvious af that the author clearly likes the idea.
Deciding if it is incest or just familial love is up to your level of maliciousness. For me I do not see the incest bait that you are seeing and i don't even want to think about that possibility but you are so fixated with it. Well, whatever makes you happy. Who am i to judge
You can't tell me that cheek kiss she gave her brother doesn't look provocative. A cheek kiss is innocent but it literally looks like a kiss on the mouth.
No, I won't shut up about it. This series is sexualizing the twins and dad so hard and how much they looove enisha, it's weird and those scenes make it obvious af that the author clearly likes the idea.