Jewel March 20, 2024 2:55 am

No cause everyone hates the ml but he technically did nothing wrong? They were both confused and trying to express their feelings- I feel like we need a acknowledge these are young men, it’s not accepted for them to admit their feelings most of the time and strictly speaking he felt guilty and even tho the mc slapped him he forgave him and apologized to him without expecting an apology back, let them be please

    GregsPhatBussyLips March 20, 2024 6:12 am

    didnt ppl hate him before the lottery incident too? I just remember thinking he's annoying even in the early chapters but i cant remember the root cause of my hatred.... Well guess I like him now then

    NightmarishLand March 20, 2024 7:50 am

    I'm currently reading and as for the moment, I hate him now because he feels manipulative. Like the way he low-key tries to control MC's social life... Maybe as u say, he was confused for his feelings at the moment but it doesn't make this icky feeling disappear. Of course if I'm about to read his redemption then maybe my mind will change... But for now, yea, I hate him.

    Justme March 20, 2024 10:01 am

    Well he clearly didnt like her and i think he did play around with her feelings,maybe he was trying to convince himself he wasnt in love with Hanjun.
    But he does care for him,he is a little bit manipulative,he can use someone for his interest. I feel like he could tell Hanjun likes him and he does enjoy that. Xp
    He isnt to be hated tho,not yet i guess.
    He has every right to feel confused

    rsm March 20, 2024 2:48 pm

    100% agree

    rsm March 20, 2024 2:50 pm

    100% agree with you

    rsm March 20, 2024 2:56 pm

    And this is mc's pov, not ml's.

    But if its vice versa, for sure the sentiment will be opposite.

    I have read more stories whereas ml's much worse than this but readers rooted for him.

    Jewel March 22, 2024 11:41 pm
    And this is mc's pov, not ml's. But if its vice versa, for sure the sentiment will be opposite. I have read more stories whereas ml's much worse than this but readers rooted for him. rsm

    You’re so right for this too, whoever’s point of view it is will always make you see them in a better light, looking at it from both sides theyre both in the wrong