He had two conditions in place, one is bond-removal or get with me. The other is get with me and I'll have our son treated. So let's say YeJun called DoYoon's bluff, then he'll know for sure DoYoon's intentions. Like if he'll
be a deadbeat dad and not provide the appropriate medical care for his son if YeJun didn't comply. Or he'll take their son and force YeJun to break the bond, thereby NOT tying them together anymore. Unless YeJun decides he can leave SiYeon in DoYoon's care and just leave (or some others have suggested going along w/ DoYoon's whims and then find ways to do him harm and steal the medical formula (not that easy...) and run off, but ofc needs money to run away, and means of running away and hiding, & living off of whatever money he can get his hands on, or Ig rely on the childhood friend, but of which he views as another source of reliance which he ALSO didn't want). YeJun doesn't seem like the type of person who will do DoYoon harm though so that route is out of the question.
The author threw in a wrench though that DoYoon feels he is trapped to YeJun via the bond. But if he's saying YeJun is his mate and he doesn't want it, why can't he just force YeJun to break the bond?!? Is he "decent enough of a human being that he would spare YeJun from such harm"?!? Or as you say, there is more to it than that?!? Like he has some feelings for YeJun?!? Idk. He definitely has a choice and the ability to force YeJun to go through the bond-removal surgery and to take away/kidnap SiYeon, thus forcing their permanent separation. It's no skin off his back to break the bond. He still gets the child. And he can marry anyone he wants. If the bond is so strong, why did he wait five years to find YeJun? At the beginning sure, whatever the time span may be for him to not want to be single anymore, and going to work/pursue his career etc., to figure out who had mated with, etc., and possibly because Noah is using his Korean name back in Korea, and then perhaps not suspecting Noah until SiYeon's illness put them on his radar. According to the Korean synopsis, it said it has to do with family inheritance. So like, we HAVEN'T seen that mentioned yet, so that's just conjecture for now. It could be a multitude of reasons for "being trapped". So yeah maybe he didn't want YeJun to be a part of his family, for protection or whatever, but so far only the safety of the kid seems to be at stake. But then the old man (DoYoon's dad) didn't even seem Interested in the kid, and totally lambasted YeJun for his inferiority as a hyperrecessive omega....
Also, the bond doesn't seem to do anything to harm DoYoon when physically separated from his mate. It even stabilized his rut. Or maybe only when he's nearbhis mate that it (the bond) kicks in harder.
DoYoon seems more interested in YeJun as an omega though. Even though in the past he only associated with betas. Even if he had an official relationship with a beta, he wouldn't have been tied down in a bond and they wouldn't have had kids, so that part would have more sense for him to want to be with a beta instead. So but now there's the inheritance at stake so he wants an omega to produce an heir?!? But it's so convenient. If it's not YeJun he would have found some other omega for the inheritance, no?!? So why is he saying what he saying?!?
This story waffles back and forth like. So which is it?!? Your dad DOES want the child or not?!? Nothing makes any sense. But even if DoYoon hypothetically was protecting Noah from his family by breaking up with him back then, it didn't show it. Like, he broke up because he didn't want anything deeper than sex, and the breakup was done w/ only a few words, with no warmth and words of comfort. But these days, with Noah's being an omega, he belittles him and rags on him for being an omega, how much you wanted to be an omega so badly, how you writhe underneathe me. He must hate HIMSELF a WHOLE LOT and resents being an alpha. What's his problem?!? He hates being loved?!? If he has an omega now and conveniently a child at the ready, why is he torturing YeJun so much?!? Like, that's what he wanted for the inheritance, isn't it?!? He thinks very little of YeJun?!? He hates himself?!? He wants a distanced kind of relationship?!? If this is who he had ALWAYS been then yeah, wtf did Noah LIKE him?!? Is Noah that dumb?!? Was Noah SOOo Smittened with Ian?! Even if Ian had only been interested in him as a fwb then, why is he so upset with him now?!? Some ppl have said it's because for alphas, esp. hyper/dominant alphas they are even MORE DRAWN TO AND POSSESSIVE OF THEIR Mates. Maybe he didn't want to repeat the same cycle that he had experienced with his mom?!? How he hates his dad?!? He didn't want someone to love him and then leave him?!? Idk. Like maybe his mom left his dad and how he resents his dad and prefers his son to come to call him dad of his own accord. But yeah, the possessiveness doesn't make sense. Unless that's the alpha side of him speaking. He hates that side of himself?!?

your comment made me realize that we have only seen the tip of the iceberg and so far we have only seen doyoon being toxic and abusive towards yejun and nothing else, which is a shame in itself, honestly. there are too many plot lines going on and yet it’s stagnant.
at the very beginning, i said doyoon was too robotic and calculating and yet we still don’t know why he’s like that, which makes me fear that the author will drag out the story more than usual ☠
“you should have taken off when i let you go”
is this what i think it is?