In all honestly, what goes through your mind when you comment on my post? Clearly, you’re trying to get a rise out of me. You can write paragraph after paragraph trying to rile me up. Yet, the fact that you’re here on this manhwa reading it and reading the comment section let’s me know your interested and will continue to read this story. You read it knowing what it entails and yet you go around preaching it’s wrong. Are you trying to make yourself feel better for reading it?

Ididn't say anywhere that the story is wrong and I'm going to continue the story because I find some of the elements in it interesting. Nothing irks me more tho than readers excusing absolute trashes, excusing rapes, sexual assaults and other completely vile acts.
Abuser excusists are a real eye sore.

Oi calm down, Maybe exaggerating certain situations that NOT ARE REAL are useful in the storytelling maybe??? Making it dramatic or something out of reality? Y'all know is SUPER BORING read only what happen in the reality should be the RIGHT thing isn't???? My gad me quiero matar con tanta ridiculez fluyendo aquí
I posted last week about the Hael Yoo, regardless he has to sleep with his sponsor he’s not going to let go of stardom guys. Get over it. The real victim here is the Top Seo-In, he is misunderstood, and yes, I read the latest chapter, and he’s way ahead of all the characters, he really is playing chess. I think it sucks that he fell for Baek, the mc, he’s really lame and misunderstands everything, but the Top put him in his place. Like every series there’s miscommunication and misunderstanding. Hopefully, it doesn’t get dragged out.