- fetishizes native/indigenous people
- portrays native/indigenous people as the uneducated savage stereotype (“afraid of the phone and the TV, and even the toilet” and the fact that some of these synopsis comments say something along the lines of taking care of him like a toddler. ew.)
i’m sure i could find more if i actually got past the plot overview and cover but i’m not touching that with a ten foot pole lmao
Honestly, I think you’ve got it wrong. I think it accurately portrays reality. The fetishizing comes from the college girls, which in a lot of foreign countries its normal for people to ogle you or even ask for an autograph if you’re a different color. (China especially) when it comes to the main characters, Ryo. He falls for Qaltaqa because of who he is. Not because of his looks or background as an indigenous person, therefore the main couple isn’t fetishized.
It doesn’t portray all Indigenous people as ‘uneducated’ either. And in no way is Qaltaqa uneducated or savage. If you properly read the story you’d see that he’s a hard working man. Who just come from a different country. Have you ever seen documentary’s with tribes before? Their way of living is different, so they would be completely confused to go from tribe lifestyle to modern lifestyle all after one plane trip. If you really look into the story, you’d realize the author meant nothing but amazing things for this story and the cultures in them. Me personally, I was so happy to read a story where they accurately portray a darker skinned man. And the customs of the luta made me fall in love with this story because it shows the beauty and love all of the luta people have for their land and their families. I’d say that if you’re having a hard time understanding what Qaltaqa was going through, imagine getting on a ufo and being transported to a place where people don’t look like you, there are androids walking and talking, there are people flocking you, and you can’t recognize a single meal item. (If you can imagine that then you’re only imagine the feeling in only a quarter of what Qaltaqa had to feel.) People from that place think it’s the normal, but because you were raised in a different environment you’d find it foreign and you’d be scared. Not to mention you can’t speak the same language as any of them. So when a group of people flood you wondering who you are, why you look different, holding weird objects you’ve never seen up to your face. It would be enough to make me run away. Probably scream in fear. Maybe even hide in a corner and start crying cause I want to go home. This story highlighted The lutas resolve, and Qaltaqas resolve for a better life for his family. The main Character may seem like ryo, but it’s not. It’s actually the Luta people at the center of this story. And if you wonder why Qaltaqa would even want to change Luta in the first place, I’d suggest rereading the story. Under the impression you already read the story and didn’t just read the ‘comment synopsis’ and scrutinize the cover.
imma just,,,,, i’m good on this one lol