sangwoos.underwear March 19, 2024 9:33 am

damn i don’t know why they can’t just talk to each other?? like why have a whole ass misunderstanding/drama instead of just talking it out?

like if i was mido and my friend who i consider to be family/more than family, didn’t come to the spot we meant to meet at, i wouldn’t have assumed he straight out abandoned me, but something bad happened to him that made him unable to come. like???

the uke was nothing but good to him, but like even if he did ‘abandoned’ mido, mido should’ve checked properly to see if he did purposely abandoned him (like mido should’ve went back to the orphanage to see if uke was still there.)

anyways that’s my rant, i hope they just resolve this issue and talk it out. misunderstood revenge tropes are ASSヽ(`Д´)ノ

    Cloudy March 19, 2024 1:24 pm

    You could've said anything, but you chose to speak facts