Reader March 18, 2024 8:26 pm

OK so what happening in the comments im kinda lost rn

    Chris Hansen March 18, 2024 8:29 pm

    Chris Hansen here. The user @MorningDiamonds is a confirmed and self proclaimed child groomer and rape defender. Who knows what else he has committed outside of Mangago. He has a multitude of alt accounts notablely Morning diamonds, Safety Advocate, Aloha, Tmsmyz, Manhwaspicy, assertive tigritude to name a few of dozens. He is not happy about being exposed again as you can witness his tantrums across his alts one by one.

    Chris Hansen March 18, 2024 8:31 pm

    He has accused Dan and every reader who says Jaekyung raped Dan of being rapists. But he denies Jaekyung of being one. Yes even chapter 35. Not only was Dan coerced into sleeping with him ''Am I allowed to say no?" "No", but the same day and in other occasions Dan voiced his fear of people seeing them together. Therefore Jaekyung allowing Heesung to see Dan breached his already brittle consent. That is rape tenfold. Last but not least, he has created a fake rape victim alt to come to his defense when people weren't agreeing with him. Needless to say he has been immediately exposed then as well. As for being a pedophile, he has groomed a minor of the age of 16 thinking she was 14. After she outed him, he impersonated her. Something he said regarding this crime ''I didn't know her true age so it's not grooming".

    Chris Hansen March 18, 2024 8:33 pm

    He sees full consent from Dan in every sessions they've had. Yes including the initial ones. Those who do not see coercion and rape define being rape apologists.

    Safety Advocate March 18, 2024 8:33 pm

    Chris Hansen is a cyberstalker gaslighting you as they deflect their behavoir on their targets. They are self-projecting.

    Please ignore them and block them. They will only gaslight you with lies.

    They are manipulating their targets into interacting with them online by creating fake posts designed to shame and defame the victims. They have continued the harassing behavior even after being asked to stop many times.

    Chris Hansen March 18, 2024 8:34 pm

    The criminal has spoken above. Chris Hansen out.

    Safety Advocate March 18, 2024 8:37 pm

    the criminal being Chris. Why are they lying that much? They are riled up too much. They are not talking about their target. They are talking about their made-up version of him. They are hopeless.

    Morning Diamonds aka me March 18, 2024 8:41 pm

    ''no u'' bro just mad he never once succeeded into convincing his alt isn't him. and the other crimes are just out in the public with his own words

    Morning Diamonds aka me March 18, 2024 8:41 pm

    as in, his only reply is no-uing and thinking it's settled

    I love Morning Diamonds aka me March 18, 2024 8:45 pm
    the criminal being Chris. Why are they lying that much? They are riled up too much. They are not talking about their target. They are talking about their made-up version of him. They are hopeless. Safety Advocate

    A frame job isn’t his crime it is their crime. He is innocent. They are lame lying cowards. They are riled up. They are only talking about themselves and their own world they made up

    Morning Diamonds aka me March 18, 2024 8:48 pm

    Stop stalking me, you're even confessing in your username

    Morning Diamonds aka me March 18, 2024 8:48 pm

    Go find someone in the deepweb grindr. no one else is a middle aged gay pedophile here

    I love Morning Diamonds aka me March 18, 2024 8:52 pm

    For some reason the haters, trolls, and cyberstalkers use the same boring material. They think it is funny to make 10 people all one person.
    They keep doing it. No one cares.

    I am okay with being morning diamonds. I don’t think I can be TM. It is an honor to be considered them.

    They don’t even know what Morning diamonds says. They don’t even know that morning diamonds using reverse psychology on the ones forcing themselves on him. It is not to everyone. They are basically narrowing down the list to who this is. They are not listening to him or reading his comments.

    Each time they make Rose a fake victim = they are a real rape apologist. They are denying a rape victim being a victim. Chris and the other cyberstalkers that say that are rape apologists.

    They only want to push their narrative and not listen to others. They are weirdos creeps.

    I love Morning Diamonds aka me March 18, 2024 8:55 pm

    “As for being a pedophile, he has groomed a minor of the age of 16 thinking she was 14. After she outed him, he impersonated her. Something he said regarding this crime ''I didn't know her true age so it's not grooming".”

    This is was the cyberstalkers trying to frame him. That has been exposed many times. The cyberstalkers even debunked it. They keep using the same tactics over and over because they hate MD. MD forced them to see their failed logic and made them look at themselves. Now they look stupid and riled up.

    Morning Diamonds aka me March 18, 2024 8:58 pm


    pink warrior March 18, 2024 9:00 pm

    can you people shut the fuck up and just enjoy the manga, it’s never that deep about a character also why is every chapter so short fucking hell

    Morning Diamonds aka me March 18, 2024 9:01 pm

    And the proof he's talking about the grooming situation, is HIS OWN ACCOUNTS BAHAHA I just realized the reason he says I knew Bailey before the outed him was because he literally has no other arguments. I can say for myself since I never talked to her and his only refutation is that I did, she is telling the truth

    Morning Diamonds aka me March 18, 2024 9:07 pm
    can you people shut the fuck up and just enjoy the manga, it’s never that deep about a character also why is every chapter so short fucking hell pink warrior

    i swear they feel twice as short now. i hope the lengh of the recent chapters isn't what she's physically capable of releasing in 10 days (and the longer chapters were already prepared before the manhwa release) I pray she brings back the longer episodes cs at this rate we'll keep having 2 to 3 things happening per chap

    Brookie March 18, 2024 9:08 pm

    I have no idea, it’s incredibly annoying though

    Aloha March 18, 2024 9:15 pm

    ew disgusting

    Jaekyung’s Booty Cheeks. March 18, 2024 9:15 pm

    They don’t even know that morning diamonds using reverse psychology on the ones forcing themselves on him.
