What bull. you don't even know him to be able to analyze him. You have got him wrong nearly all the times you talked about him. He has only used one profile here. You are not a challenge. You need to evaluate how you are perceived for a second. He is okay. he comes off as an adult. You come off a insecure salty whining cyberstalker that got proven wrong and did not like what they seen when MD called them out. You can not claim that when you can't even know MD. You are only gaslighting and self-projection. Stop trying to talk to us.

Chris Hansen here. The user @SafetyAdvocate otherwise known as MD is a confirmed child groomer and rape defender. Who knows what else he has committed outside of Mangago. He has a multitude of alt accounts notablely Morning diamonds, Aloha, Tmsmyz, Manhwaspicy, assertive tigritude to name a few of dozens. Chris Hansen out.

BaileyBot is a fake victim. Morning Diamonds, Rose, Torakaze and others are the real victims. They never harassed anyone. Who is riled up and gaslighting the aggressors after the real victims.
And Chris Hansen is an aggressor not Morning Diamonds. What a fumble from someone looking like a loser. Who ever is behind Chris is a sore hypocrite loser that is riled up, their words. They love to confess and self-project.

BaileyBot is a fake victim. Morning Diamonds, Rose, Torakaze and others are the real victims. They never harassed anyone. Who is riled up and gaslighting the aggressors after the real victims.
And Chris Hansen is an aggressor not Morning Diamonds. What a fumble from someone looking like a loser. Who ever is behind Chris is a sore hypocrite loser that is riled up, their words. They love to confess and self-project.
I took a two chapters break because n o t h i n g was happening for like the past 10 chapters. but wooow ngl chapter 49 and 50 were actually pretty interesting. I'm really curious how JK and the buzz cut blondie are connected :ppp
and who is gonna win that fight - what do y'all think? bc I think JK is gonna lose this time