
paint the town red March 18, 2024 8:23 am

I can't get past the fact that this fl is a grown ass woman acting like an idiotic child.

    ke! June 18, 2024 11:37 am

    literally thought i was going crazy bc no one else was talking about this. like it’s weird all that crying and whining??

    paint the town red June 19, 2024 4:10 am
    literally thought i was going crazy bc no one else was talking about this. like it’s weird all that crying and whining?? ke!

    istg it's so bizarre and people liking a literal adult with mental age that seems to had regressed to infancy is weirder

    its.rxbekahh July 1, 2024 8:50 pm

    rereading it again but i think its more alike to bertia suddenly remembering her "past life" rather than a true transmigration thing happening. so its really a child with the memories of a grown woman iyk what im trying to say

    paint the town red July 1, 2024 11:59 pm
    rereading it again but i think its more alike to bertia suddenly remembering her "past life" rather than a true transmigration thing happening. so its really a child with the memories of a grown woman iyk what ... its.rxbekahh

    If you're a child and got ALL of the memories from where you lived as an adult your mind will actually grow up. The body is a kid the mind is not. Which makes this all the more fucked up.

    paint the town red July 2, 2024 12:13 am

    At the very least I was just hoping she'd exhibit at least some level of maturity, since she retained memoroes from her adult life. Memories did affected her behaviour but just not in a way I would accept when they're selling a book that have an ADULT on it, one would think all the adult memories would've affected her cognitive development, like an acceleration on maturation like the plot some authors did on (the marriage is bound to fail or smth)