New Release Chapter 4

baka-tan January 18, 2017 8:11 pm

For all of you that are waiting for the next chapter: Shounen no Kyoukai is from the e-comic book omegaverse from b-boy and released every 2 months. the 3 volume got released on the 15th of december, so the next one will be in mid february :)
the volume can be bought on amazon for all of you that can't wait for the tlon~
have a nice day...or well, good evening in my case /0/ bed here i come

    valvia January 18, 2017 9:39 pm

    Thank you for the info :D
    I think I'll buy it on amazon, I'm not a patient person when it's books or comics xD
    I couldn't find it with the title Shounen no kyoukai, what do I search for on amazon btw ?

    baka-tan January 18, 2017 9:46 pm

    Try b-boy オメガバース、you'll also find the older volumes, with Mangas that were released here as well :)
    Ah, and look on the Japanese amazon

    valvia January 18, 2017 9:50 pm
    Try b-boy オメガバース、you'll also find the older volumes, with Mangas that were released here as well :) Ah, and look on the Japanese amazon baka-tan

    Thank you ! :)

    baka-tan January 18, 2017 11:09 pm

    You're welcome~