I actually recommend giving this a read - not confusing just developing

banannogram March 17, 2024 9:48 am

There's a lot of unsolved speculation, as long as you keep that in mind, it's a thrilling story to unravel. To me, at very least. I like a good plot that ties together nicely at the end. I hope we get to uncover more about Emi. Hopefully (crossing my fingers) we don't encounter a common slew of misunderstandings in the process or loss of unique character personality traits along the way. So far, so good, in my opinion.

Praying for a nice, happy ending! Emi deserves a break after remaining dedicated and slaving away to create her manhawa!! Justice for all the hardworking authors and artists out there!! (▰˘◡˘▰)

    banannogram May 6, 2024 6:58 am

    Updated opinions — I can definitely see how some may lose their way as the plot progresses. As it updates, I like to think it resembles that of an uncompleted puzzle. One that as you delve further into its context you slowly uncover and reveal the identity behind its missing pieces for the broader, complete final picture. It's understandable it'd inevitably become frustrating or confusing without every detail intact.

    However, branching off from my previous statement, it remains a constant means of excitement, if only soley to see where things lead for Emi. Personally, as I read this, though this may not be the same for everyone who's reading necessarily, I enjoy this webtoon and the elements it portrays quite a deal, currently. It's like playing a role as a key detective in a way. Unveiling secret intentions, uniquely placed symbolism, connecting the dots left for readers. It's not so far removed that you'd be unable to do as such. So I consider it a slightly thrilling adventure.

    The current conclusion I'm being drawn to, with the aid of another user's theory I picked out while surfing through the comments (thank you for putting it into words btw,) is that Emi is the orginal Amy. This theory only becoming further pronounced when factoring in details that have unfolded in most recent chapters. Which describe her experiences, absence of memory and lack of belonging winding up in another world unfamiliar with her surroundings. Taking place in China, combating any previous implications her upbringing unfolded as it stereotypically would have, as we were lead to believe in the beginning chapters.

    I believe the representation shown by the "other" or "orginal" Amy, serves as current Emi's guide of sorts. The "other" (more than likely the person Emi was prior to having been displaced,) Emi we see may serve as a reminder or trigger to reawaken current Emi's memory and until then acts as her varying forms of protection.

    That being said, it remains to be seen that this is the case and plot destination for Emi. Nevertheless, however the pages unravel themselves I will still endlessly be hoping for a joyful and content conclusion for all characters alike contained in this peculiar assortment of tragedies and nine stages of grief repackaged as this webtoon. Authors and readers alike know the pain caused by angst. Please don't make me spread tears on my pearly white pillow, I don't want to experience another sad ending. please, I beg ╥﹏╥