Thank you for sharing this.
I'm happy that the author decided to do something they love.

I think many people don't chase their dreams because they are paralzed by fear...
But many other people don't know what is their dream... they struggle with finding theur vocation, their passion.

My big dream when I was a child was to have a big family with lots of children... (In part because of how broken was my own family) But I've never fallen in love and I'm already 25... I know I'm not too old, but having a perfect family isn't something we can force or achieve with determination... Especially when you have too high expectations on yourself and on othe people... Love can't be controled. Also, I've been thinking... wanting a family isn't wanting to be loved or needed, or to live focussing on other people and not yourself? When I was a child I also dreamed with working in something that I loved and helping people, but I've never been able to find a concreate subject that makes me especially interested, obssesed about... I wonder if I wasn't dreaming or in love with the idea of having a dream..? I'm so fucked up.
Little fun story for those who have just stumbled upon this manhwa and for those returning.
The author of this manhwa was told that they were never going to succeed in the comic business and was to find a "practical" job. They gave up their dream of ever drawing manhwa and found a job that was deemed "important" to society. After conforming to societies wishes, one day they became tired and stressed out, questioning their life and their importance. When they couldn't find an answer, they gave up the job and decided to live how they wanted to even if it meant being shunned by the society they grew up in.
I personally think this manhwa is a way for the author to say that you don't have to live by what others define as "normal" and "accepting." That it's okay for you to stray off of the path society wants you to walk on and to make your own path instead. Even though this manhwa was released in 2010, with how things are now, it's important to realize your own self worth and not compare it with others. People are so materialistic nowadays that they don't stop and think of what they really want to do. The manhwa could also be seen in another perspective about how people should listen more to others rather than forcing their own ideology onto someone. It's a good lesson in my personal opinion because the more you stress someone out with your own expectations, one day eventually, they will tire out and explode as displayed in the manhwa. Then we get into the whole thinking of becoming an adult. I think everyone is afraid of growing up no matter what age they are. You experience and face new things on a daily basis and no one can ever get used to that. Because some of us are told from a young age exactly what we are to be when we grew up, we've become afraid of the potential chance of failure. Rather than growing up and becoming an adult, we're avoiding that risk of failure and trying to preserve what little building blocks we were given to succeed at someone elses expectation.
A lot of us forget the importance of self-satisfaction and underestimate the cliche statement of chasing our dreams. We think that its obligatory to conform to society and blend into the mainstream normality or we'll be seen as "crazy" and labeled as a "lunatic" without knowing our situation. To anyone who happens to stumble upon this manhwa and my post, I ask of you to think for even a minute what you are living for. If your answer is "I don't know," or undetermined, then think about that dream you had when you were little. The one you may have been told you were never going to fulfill. Did you want to become a princess or a hero? That's not impossible. There's the film industry's, costume design's, and even a manhwa author. You don't have to look at things only at one point of view. Sure, maybe you don't have the ability to fly, but you can get into animations and make yourself fly there instead. All you need to do is expand your thinking and be opened to a whole new world. I think that was the magic all along.
If you believe in something, then keep believing in it even if someone says it's wrong or "not normal." In all honesty, everyone's normality is different depending on your livelihood. As the manhwa depicted in the ending, one can only fulfil their dreams when they have accepted the possibility of mistake and failure.
Violence or any criminal acts are not included. While trying to fulfil your dreams, please do not smash windows and or help a possible suspect escape from captivity. In any attempts of avoiding becoming an adult, please avoid staying in abandoned tents, any acts of robbery, attempted murder by pushing someone off a building, or running away from authority when they have a warrent. If you experience any kind of mental illness, please do seek help out advice when you are ready to. What I have said above is just my own biased thinking therefore you can make sense of it however you wish. Lastly, I hope you enjoyed reading this manhwa as much as I did. Manhwas like these are made to make you overthink things and I think that's where the beauty comes into play. Thank you.