He has a whole imaginary ecosystem of alt accounts and hundreds people he decided to stalk because no one else is a pedophile rape apologist. I'm not accusing him of these, it's all out in this public comsec defending RL rape and grooming minors. mentioning him will get you an alt stalker on your back. He even has an alt saying he loves me. Weird loser

BaileyBot is a sockpuppet of the cyberstalkers and the true pedo defender. The cyberstalkers are admitting to emailed their sock puppet and both of them have said they were pedos. The real one never emailed the sock puppet.
Morning Diamonds is a cyberstalker https://www.mangago.zone/home/people/3703695/home/
and BaileyBot which is the same person according to Cyberstalker Morning Diamonds are the main ones causing this time. There has been messages from cyberstalker Morning Diamonds and cyberstalker Tig.
Things like this happens with The real MD or TM talks about the story, shares something, or defend someone.
The real MD defending someone being attacked. He was in the right. He only made two comments. All this petty drama like he did was in the wrong. They are in the wrong. This is what always happens. They will say he "harassed" or "bullied" someone when he never did and he was standing up to someone the was being harassed and bullied. He is the good one here. The cyberstalkers are the bad guys who even tried to frame him.

In denial again MD? You thought you did someone there BAHAHAHHZ What a stalker, be careful with your hideous messaging formats, you might even creep away the old men your age who are the only people available to be your partner. You'll die alone at this rate and no amount of confessing your feelings in your usernames or grooming minors can land you a soulmate

Dio, As you can tell is cyberstalker and one that has their own reality. The real Protector never had a meltdown or close to a meltdown. That is wishful thinking on their behalf or self-project. They want attention from Protector and they think I am protector. They are miserable and weak-mind people who try to frame an innocent person. I forget I am not dealing with trolls. They are self-projecting impersonating cyberstalkers creating their own reality. They are embarrassing themselves with all these fake claims and impersonating others.

The real users wanted nothing to do with haters, trolls, and the like. They blocked them. The haters, trolls blah blah invented ways around to block to talk to the real users that want nothing to do with them. They even created accounts to impersonate them to have the intention of the real ones. The real ones block the psycho losers (haters, trolls, etc) but they don't take a hint. That is why there are many new impersonating accounts following them. That says they have you blocked on your real accounts. They asked you to stop many times since september. They want nothing to do with you. Take the hint, impersonating cyberstalkers on fake accounts trying to harass their targets who want nothing to do with them even with their real accounts.
Wtf is going on with this cyberstalker shit