This link is the real Assertive Tigritude
Since they are lying and gaslighting about everything else. The reality is they probably hate Mingwa. Their game is to defame the real users.
He is saying you can hate this story. I have talked to him. He is meaning a solid opinion. You can hate it for you but not hate it with a passion to hate the fans and author from a few chapters. Relating to other generic stories it is not just this story or this author. It is like not giving this story a chance.
What he is saying is deeper than what it looks like.
If you read 7 chapters and did not like it then you know you don't like it or you hate it for you. But if it is generic and commonplace when all the causing hate and spreading hate. Only seven chapters should not cause anyone to hate it that passionately especially if generic. Why give it time in your day? Chapter 7 was released December 13, 2022 it is 2024, and spreading hate for a year and 3 months from 7 chapters on something generic. It must not be generic if you are allowing hate to control you. Grannybot predator of jinx
If you read your thread it was nothing about a rapist. Are you saying Zama_Kiran is a rapist? Protector stepped in when they were attacked. He defended someone. He was not mad. You go with disgusting gaslighting because you hate the story. Weak.
If you were talking about Jaekyung where did he talk about Jaekyung. Jaekyung is a sexual abuser, not a rapist.
Who Zama_Kiran? This is about the attack on Zama_Kiran.
IF about Jaekyung. Sorry Charile they have solid grounds of evidence for calling him a only a sexual abuser. Stop forcing your opinions. But can we go back to what was happening on this thread? Nemesis attacking Zama_Kiran. The real Protector steps in to stop it. Then in comes the cyberstalkers gaslighting. You went with the gaslighting and now talking about Jaekyung. You like this story or obsessed with it if you can't talk about what is going on in your thread. You gaslighted people with your opinions.
Defending someone being attacked. I guess Nemesis is Jaekyung? Or is Zama_Kiran Jaekyung?
Nemesis is the one in the wrong. Not this person who defended someone from being attacked. What happened after towards this person is uncalled. You should be ashamed of yourselves. Just to gaslight others and avoid what happen.
The haters, the cyberbullies, the trolls, the cyberstalkers and whatever don't like him because he steps up to their bad behavior. They have been impersonating them (him and others) since 2/7/2024 and harassing him even longer. They gaslight like crazy when they are in the wrong. He did nothing wrong here. They did.
Imma confess that I stopped reading after that shower scene, I come here to shit on this manhwa for a bit and then leave. I love spreading hate