I mean...

Reen March 16, 2024 8:04 am

Honestly the ending made me reread the last chapter again and again to actually find reason why Minho really accepted him. But to be honest, I hope he really do change I mean like REAL CHANGE because I don't want to see abuser x abused anymore. The story is already that painful enough to read. Minho doesn't really love him though but I kinda see that he has give him a chance (?) But I really hope to see some improvement between both of them... ╥﹏╥

    MARS March 19, 2024 2:10 pm

    Ultimately, Minho was desperately lonely and was starved for affection and ANYONE loving him for him (and his faults) and actually wanting him. He just got a fuzzy lolipop because Rich Dick is a crazy sadistic POS instead of a warm hearted, lovely person. So while Minho had his freedom, it was like a black abyss because there was...no one out there waiting for him, wanting him. It was only Rich Dick, and even though he was furious about what happened, he still in a dark part of his heart loved that Rich Dick wanted him, desperately. He hated him, but he also could feed that part of him that was empty and hungry - having ANYONE to love him and desire him for him and all his sins.

    IMO, I see the real ending of this story being that Minho is going to be the manager of Rich Dick and basically run his life like a Daddy so his pet is successful. That way Mommy is happy (because her son goes to his meetings on time and does the rich boy money dance), Rich Dick is happy (because Minho is with him and pays attention to him) and Minho is happy because he has a purpose in running the life of a rich shit and basically have him as his pathetic pet.

    All Minho has wanted is PURPOSE and someone to love him for him, and I think that is what he ultimately gets with that asshole, which is why he took him in his arms and held his hand. By the end, Minho had complete control over his rapist and once he has the confidence, he'll run his life and I think they will ultimately both be satisfied with their set up.

    Reen March 19, 2024 9:36 pm
    Ultimately, Minho was desperately lonely and was starved for affection and ANYONE loving him for him (and his faults) and actually wanting him. He just got a fuzzy lolipop because Rich Dick is a crazy sadistic ... MARS

    Lmao I really like how you call him Rich dick (it's so funny because it's true). If the author gonna make Minho get his revenge or like getting complete control on Rich Dick, I think that's the ultimately best ending rather than falling in love pew pew like nothing has ever happen or Minho just literally forgive him because "he has change". There's nothing more better than Minho using Rich Dick and give him the taste of what that Rich Dick had given him. I also think that Rich Dick should literally accept what Minho will do from now on and be obsessive with Minho (if you get what I mean though it sounds wrong). I hope the author will continue the season 2 like this tho

    MARS March 20, 2024 5:18 am
    Lmao I really like how you call him Rich dick (it's so funny because it's true). If the author gonna make Minho get his revenge or like getting complete control on Rich Dick, I think that's the ultimately best ... Reen

    I really feel like that was where it was leading up to - Minho's entire depression arc was really fueled by his lack of purpose and feeling worthless. Now he has a mad-dog he gets to be in control of and basically be his master...which the Mother would be the real power because she calls all the shots and tells him where to send Rich Dick, Minho is still the only thing that gets Rich Dick to do anything, since he's made that very clear to his mother that she no longer controls him and Minho is literally his entire world and existence now. I agree that Minho being in love with him isn't our happy ending, but I think we can see them on that path - while Minho is straight, ultimately his sexuality is leans more to 'the person who loves me for me because everyone else thinks I'm a POS and unworthy'. Right now that asshole is his 4th most important thing, but I can see enough time passing where he becomes Minho's #3...right behind Minho's professional life and then Minho himself.

    While I don't think we'll get a season 2 with actual closer, I hope we see them again in another sidestory where we see something like having transpired - with Minho having a stable, happy professional life and Rich Dick still desperate for his attention and affection.

    CokMan March 20, 2024 9:34 am
    Ultimately, Minho was desperately lonely and was starved for affection and ANYONE loving him for him (and his faults) and actually wanting him. He just got a fuzzy lolipop because Rich Dick is a crazy sadistic ... MARS

    best ending ever

    Kae April 3, 2024 1:32 pm

    I really really hope there will be a next season ( T﹏T )