hes a grown man who acts like a 5 yo having a temper tantrum, with 0 ability to control himself. a grown man should be able to compliment his wife, say he loves her, and not say things that are objectively rude no matter how you spin them. he "loves" her but how would she know?
he "loves" her but he doesn't declare he's married to her when he has an objectively higher status and would have the ability to do that at any given time? he "loves" her but basically ignores her presence and gives her absolutely nothing? he "loves" her but he's only given her two meaningful things in the decades theyve known each other? he "loves" her but he is so emotionally unavailable she turns to a literal stranger for some semblance of human connection (and ends up being cursed AGAIN BECAUSE OF HIM)? he "loves" her but the only way he can express it is by giving her a gps on a bracelet so he can stalk her while giving her no ability to communicate back to him? he "loves" her but gets mad at her when she takes all of these signs to mean she cannot trust and rely on him??
even excusing him being a little shit as a kid (kids be kids), the fact that he's able to rise to the position he's in and maintain it means he's at least learned some fucking manners, and the ability to speak his mind, so the fact that he doesn't to fil (supposedly the person he loves most, though how would we or she ever know?) just means he's still an asshole.
to me, it looks to me more that fil has abysmally low self esteem and just because this adult man child said he'd marry her (with none of the benefits of marriage: love, affection, etc) she goes along with it. the princess was right, he shouldn't be allowed to be around fil if he's just going to keep hurting her.
usually im good with toxic or asshole MLs, but he is a unique brand of bad in my book, and honestly his attitude towards her reminds me more as an obsessive loser second ml than anything else. (sorry about the rant i'm not mad at you i just genuinely hate eddy more than any other isekai ml lmao)
but if the best gift your HUSBAND has ever given you was flowers when you were like fucking eight or something, you should divorce him. Like it's one of maybe 2 things he's ever given her, this is so stupid. i hate eddy, ive hated him from the beginning because he's an awful husband, but god now fil is being an idiot