Is it worth reading or not?

mizuki March 15, 2024 11:10 pm

Is it worth reading or not?

    bluebabyboy March 15, 2024 11:12 pm

    unless u wanna send everything to hell, not really

    GeorgieBear March 15, 2024 11:41 pm

    Honestly, nah. Not really. It's a bit if a sh*t show. It dumps pretty hard on one of the sweetest characters. It's a solid 3/10 for me at least.

    FUCK OFF WITH YOUR SPOILERS! March 16, 2024 1:43 am

    I believe that should be up to you. After all, you should wonder why they stuck with the story to the end and after it ended, they still can't stay away from the comments. I tell you the reason is because they were truly entertained. Otherwise, they would have abandoned, not be commenting and they certainly wouldn't be here at the end of the story telling you not to read. So, it was well worth their time which says something. [wink]

    Chunlee March 16, 2024 2:02 am
    I believe that should be up to you. After all, you should wonder why they stuck with the story to the end and after it ended, they still can't stay away from the comments. I tell you the reason is because they ... FUCK OFF WITH YOUR SPOILERS!

    I'll have to disagree. I hate yours to claim and in general it's a really bad story. It was so bad that I actually had to reflect on how I wasted my time reading 47 chapters of it.

    But, whenever I'm scrolling on this site and I see it, I click on it to look after the comments to see if people still read it and actually thinks it's good. I get appalled when I see they actually do then leave and come back like a year later whenever I see it on the featured list again.

    It's that time around again and I still find it crazy that people would read this and call it good and defend it. Bad storyline and absolute no plot, the only thing you could defend is the art.

    And for sticking to read it, that's most likely pity reading or just hoping that it would change somehow and end up good. (Kinda like toxic relationships, they're awful and not good but 6ou stay hoping the person would change. Hint, they don't.)

    In ur case if you like it that's cool for you but I seriously wouldn't recommend this to anyone.

    FUCK OFF WITH YOUR SPOILERS! March 16, 2024 2:24 am
    I'll have to disagree. I hate yours to claim and in general it's a really bad story. It was so bad that I actually had to reflect on how I wasted my time reading 47 chapters of it.But, whenever I'm scrolling o... Chunlee

    I think you miss my point and I clarify. Nobody sticks around a boring a story, reading the updates or interacting with the comments because that will be a waste of your time. People drop boring stories and never look back. The reason ALL these people including you stuck around to the very end is because they're intrigued and hooked. Curiousity, annoyance, interest frustration, whatever, all reasons you will stick with a story. Just think again about all the stories you dropped and never retured to check out. YTC is clearly not one of them as you're all still here in the comments even after it ended.

    ghostling61 March 16, 2024 2:47 am
    I think you miss my point and I clarify. Nobody sticks around a boring a story, reading the updates or interacting with the comments because that will be a waste of your time. People drop boring stories and nev... FUCK OFF WITH YOUR SPOILERS!

    Totally agree, I was extremely frustrated at several points and even dropped it once. But I came back to finish it. You don’t have to like or even remotely enjoy something for it to entertain you or at least hold your attention. Do I think some parts could be better? Yes, but that doesn’t mean I’m gonna shit on the whole story. I’ve read worse and like you said, dropped anything that didn’t hold an ounce of my attention and never looked back.

    FUCK OFF WITH YOUR SPOILERS! March 16, 2024 3:00 am
    Totally agree, I was extremely frustrated at several points and even dropped it once. But I came back to finish it. You don’t have to like or even remotely enjoy something for it to entertain you or at least ... ghostling61

    Peolple forget that an author's job is to entertain their readers with emotions trieggered by their work. So, it's up to the author to decide on which emotions they want to trigger in their readers in order to keep them hooked. It's not always about making the readers happy, but to attract AND hold attention. Humans after all are very complex beings ruled by emotions, and many of us underestimate how our emotions can dictate our behaviour like how hating a story can compel you to stick with it for 4 years reading updates, comments and continue to interact with the comments after it ends.

    Chunlee March 16, 2024 5:53 am
    I think you miss my point and I clarify. Nobody sticks around a boring a story, reading the updates or interacting with the comments because that will be a waste of your time. People drop boring stories and nev... FUCK OFF WITH YOUR SPOILERS!

    I did not stuck around actually. I stopped reading this when it 47 was the most recent update. I only came to the comments bc I saw it on the feature page. Had n9 knowledge of it ending u til I saw it when I clicked it when I saw it on the featured story list. So please don't out me in the category of who stuck around bc of most definitely didn't.

    And I don't think people are talking about it being boring, I'm pretty sure they're saying it's a bad plot. And the fun humor in how awful it is.

    Like I have not read this since chapter 47 and have no idea what's going on it now. Only what went on up to chapter 47 which was mostly(like 80) awful.

    Chunlee March 16, 2024 6:08 am
    I think you miss my point and I clarify. Nobody sticks around a boring a story, reading the updates or interacting with the comments because that will be a waste of your time. People drop boring stories and nev... FUCK OFF WITH YOUR SPOILERS!

    When it comes to the stories I drop, it's if they have rape in them because I refused to read it. And I definitely won't pick them up in the future because I already know the content is something I don't like(basically saying I do get your point I'm that you won't come back to read something you know didn't like). So you're definitely right on that.

    I do sometimes go to the comments if I see them on the featured list to see if people say the rape is still going on. In this case it was to see if people will still shit talking this because I can rmr that it happened a lot when I read this back in 2021.

    The point I was trying to make in my original post was that some people do come back to stuff they read to see if it's still the same and maybe they might leave a comment on how the feel about how it's still happening which is valid and it doesn't mean that they like it or anything.

    If they do actively read it though and comment on it all the time saying how they hate it (while literally still reading it through) can be hypocritical because if they hate it so much then stop reading it and commenting on it. By still reading and commenting is basically conveying that in some way you like it or invested in it.

    GeorgieBear March 17, 2024 11:37 pm
    I believe that should be up to you. After all, you should wonder why they stuck with the story to the end and after it ended, they still can't stay away from the comments. I tell you the reason is because they ... FUCK OFF WITH YOUR SPOILERS!

    I literally only stuck around in hopes they'd actually give some love to one particular character, Cain, and that's it. The main couple are literal trash. It really did feel like a waste of decent art and a cute character like Cain and the dynamic he could have had. This ends up on the 1-2 start pile on my reviews.

    I get that people have opinions, but you can't over look the poorly handled scenarios, dragged out plots and chapters, the forgiveness of emotional abuse, a badly written main character and a great character they basically did nothing with.

    I can't tell you how many books I've finished, JUST to finish them. It's not entertaining, it's reading out of frustration and hopes that the author actually ends things well.

    FUCK OFF WITH YOUR SPOILERS! March 18, 2024 12:46 am
    I literally only stuck around in hopes they'd actually give some love to one particular character, Cain, and that's it. The main couple are literal trash. It really did feel like a waste of decent art and a cut... GeorgieBear

    Again, if you hate it so much and didn't care for the story, then, you would have dropped it and not look back. So, the fact that you stuck around, to find out the end game, read comments, leave comments or whatever means that you found the story entertaining. Otherwise, you wouldn't waste your time. It is hypocritical to hate on a story while you keep following it.

    FUCK OFF WITH YOUR SPOILERS! March 18, 2024 12:46 am
    When it comes to the stories I drop, it's if they have rape in them because I refused to read it. And I definitely won't pick them up in the future because I already know the content is something I don't like(b... Chunlee

    Again, if you hate it so much and didn't care for the story, then, you would have dropped it and not look back. So, the fact that you stuck around, to find out the end game, read comments, leave comments or whatever means that you found the story entertaining. Otherwise, you wouldn't waste your time. It is hypocritical to hate on a story while you keep following it.

    GeorgieBear March 18, 2024 9:42 am
    Again, if you hate it so much and didn't care for the story, then, you would have dropped it and not look back. So, the fact that you stuck around, to find out the end game, read comments, leave comments or wha... FUCK OFF WITH YOUR SPOILERS!

    You evidently decided to not bother reading my comment much at all, huh? I'll just consider that a you problem, because you clearly are the type to overlook everyone else's point of view. I wanted to see if Cain would be happy, the other characters and their awful plot could rot lol. Not to mention, If you drop books that you don't like, you can't make a decent review of it, you can't let other people know WHY it's not worth reading.

    But, as I said, your one track minded opinion is a you problem. Have a great day

    FUCK OFF WITH YOUR SPOILERS! March 18, 2024 11:10 am
    You evidently decided to not bother reading my comment much at all, huh? I'll just consider that a you problem, because you clearly are the type to overlook everyone else's point of view. I wanted to see if Cai... GeorgieBear

    Still not buying your hypocrisy. You will not waste a minute of your time on a story that did nothing for you. Period. Good day to you too.