I understand that. But we don't read stories or stick with them because they're "good stories". We stick with stories because we're entertained. And entertainment stems from an emotion triggered in us that "wakes" us up. That could be disgust, annoyance, frustration, happiness, satisfaction etc. What most of us don't realise is that hatred for a story could actually be the reason its entertaining for us. Again, think about the stories you dropped and never looked back. It's because they never left any impression on you.

I’ve dropped many stories. Did they leave an impression, yeah. But does that mean it was a great story? No. The reason I dropped stories is because they are trash, even with shocking elements, they lack interesting characters with depth, lack good plot building, lack qualities of a great story. Again, just because the story is interesting does not mean it’s a great story with amazing characters that have depth and development even if they are dickheads. Do you read books? I do, there are many books that lure in readers with interesting/shocking ideas like incest, but if that’s their only thing, it becomes boring and their shock value “just” seems gross. You need to have other qualities to be a great story than shock value, that is just how you lure your readers in, if you create a flat story with flare characters, it’s going to be trash! Which this is.

Again my point is that we just can't look away from some stories like YTC because they are entertaining. They grab and hook our attention for 4 years and we can't even let go after they end. That is why you are still writing long comments even though you've hated it for 4 years. You should ask yourself why you are still here after all this time. That is because the story has entertained you otherwise, you wouldn't have spent a minute of your time on it.

It’s crazy how YTC hasn’t even crossed my mind until you brought it up. I assure you, I was not thinking about that so I do not even know what you mean by unable to let it go after hating it, I only checked it out because mangago alerts me of updates and sometimes even if I rated it bad, so I’ll just check in and put a final update/review if I feel like it, I do not follow it throughout a long period. The book I had in mine was thinking about how Lolita by Vladimir Nabokov is a good example of great writing with a compelling plot and “shithead” characters. The guy we follow isn’t good, in fact he tries to manipulate the readers that it’s okay that he’s lusting for Lolita that is very well under the age of any consent or years younger than him. That’s a book that has made me feel disgusted but I would consider a good book for how it’s told, the characters and how they are designed and how the story isn’t told. It’s why it’s one of the more controversial classics but if Lolita had only the fact that the dude liked a little girl, it would not be as popular as it is. In fact, it would probably would have been frowned upon to even read it and deemed as just disgusting and only be read if someone wanted to be shocked but they would put it down if the the characters were hollow and had no depth nor if the story building was good. I never said shock value won’t lure people in because it does but it doesn’t mean it inherently makes a story “great”, you need more factors to it.

I think you miss my point again and I clarify. YTC continues to hold your attention and take your time because you find it entertaining.
There are other stories I'm sure you've dropped and walked away from without ever looking back for simpler reasons.
But YTC is compelling and kept us all coming back whether to read the comments, check on updates every once in a year, wanting to know the ending, want to know what others think etc - all because it was written to captivate us and hold our attention which again is why you're still here even though you hate it.

I’ve checked out YTC twice. The second time was again, because mangago alerted me and I saw that the chapters were coming to an end (since usually BL manwhas end around 100-150), after reading it the first time and getting through a few chapters because I was interested in the discourses, I didn’t look back. If mangago had never alerted me again, I probably wouldn’t have gone back on my own because I simply don’t really care about the story. I do admit that it was interesting but in the long run, I didnt keep up with it nor bought it and supported the author and it’s not a great story for being shocking which is an easy thing to do. But what your missing is that your initial argument (which had nothing to do with YTC) that this story the alphas circumstances “is a compelling read which is sign of a great story” because it has a shock value. Which isn’t true at all, you may want to re-route back into your initial argument before backing away from it because I never claimed that interesting doesn’t lure people in, it just doesn’t make it a “great” story, the writing is flawed and the characters are bleak.

It's true that a "great story" and an "entertaining story" are 2 different things. A story does not have to be great to be entertaining. YTC is one of those stories that isn't great but entertaining. That is the reason for its popularity and the reason we're all still paying attention to alerts, have it saved in our notification, reading comments, writing long comments even after it has ended. If YTC did not entertain us, we will not waste a minute of our time on it.

Yeah exactly, thanks for agreeing with me because you were arguing that a compelling story = a great story. It can definitely bring readers, entertain, but it doesn’t make it any cent of a great story, in fact it’s a joke, a joke that’s funny to watch play down. Nobody takes it seriously and if it was put against actual good stories for top BL manwhas, it wouldn’t even be glanced at.

Other examples of stories that aren't great but entertaining are "Jinx" and "Alpha's Circumstances". These stories are compelling and we can't look away even though we hate them. That's because they entertain us. An author is not always after a great story and may simply choose entertainment instead and the story will still be popular.

And also, a reader's priority from a story is entertainment. It's what stops us from being bored because the minute we're bored, we drop the story. I know a low of great stories that did not entertain me and I dropped because I just wouldn't stick around a great story that fails to entertain me.
However, people will stick around an entertaining story that's not great like YTC, LOH, Jinx, Alpha's Circumstances because they entertain us.
The rating for this story is so low......