I understand Heechans feelings tho. Minjae is not wrong, but of course people apologize too, because they don't want to be hated by the person they love. Not that pinkie deserves him. Cheating is bad, but revenge porn even worse.
It's just, the way your new bf talks and acts around his Ex is very telling. Heechan probably asks himself, when he can be cruel to a person he loved so much, he can be cruel to him too. I would feel and think exactly the same like Heechan.

My comment has nothing to do with heechan actually. On that note I get it but also heechan is a very emotionally stunted person who doesn't see most things as a big deal. Hell he doesn't see the bullying taekin goes through as a big deal even though he's experiencing it himself. Again it's selfish to impose on the person you hurt badly continuously even though they're trying to get away from you and expect them to accomodate you or be nice to you. You're making them despise you even more and so I completely understand minjae. Honestly I'd react like him in this situation cause not only did you break my heart but you're stalking me too and attacking the person I'm now getting to know.
This is such as good commentary on forgiveness and apologies, the acceptance of it or not. People hurt you and apologize and expect you to accept their apology and forgive them because it's supposedly good for you not to hold unto grudges. They don't care that them hounding you for forgiveness is boxing you in and not giving you the space and time to properly heal. If I have to keep seeing the person who wronged me because they've refused to accept me saying "no, I don't want to see your face. Go away" I would absolutely not even entertain the the thought of forgiveness. You're literally continuing to hurt me. You don't care about my feelings or wishes, you just want to feel good about yourself. You want to be able to say "well I said sorry" and dump the responsibility on the person you hurt.Andy absolutely does not care about Minjae's feelings. He's a selfish and pathetic character.