
LizMars March 15, 2024 11:48 am

We're finally here y'all. It's over. Did I enjoy it? At the end of the day, all I can say is: Eh... Not really. It was extremely drawn out, and kind of a mess (meaning the storyline itself/the writing). I see A LOT of arguing about love triangles in the comments, mostly people saying if you don't like this story, then you don't like love triangles. That's not even CLOSE! I've read more love triangle plots than I care to admit. There's a right way and a wrong way to build a plot, and this story ultimately failed to come together. Cain's storyline about reincarnation was SO misplaced here. It would have made more sense if Yahwi also had his own reincarnation substory involving Jooin to combat Cain's. Instead it feels like a bunch of random ideas the author had, then got thrown together to try and create a story. Now that being said, is this the worst thing I've ever read? No. Will I read anything else by this author again? Depends, tbh.
