These two chapters are funny but seriously speaking, the grandpa needs to be taken to ther...

hana_02 March 14, 2024 9:16 pm

These two chapters are funny but seriously speaking, the grandpa needs to be taken to therapist. His obsession from his sister, to Judith is quite worrisome that he even involved 10yrs old to get engage. It not enough with judith parents already cousin, now you want your own granddaughter engage with your own grandson? Grandpa really needs to get check in his head ¯ࡇ¯

    doll March 23, 2024 4:49 am

    i don’t think judith’s parents are cousins. do they ever even mention them? they only mention the grandparents

    hana_02 March 23, 2024 6:37 am

    Ahh my mistakeee, what i actually meant is Luca parents and judith are cousins. The family tree quite messy i sometimes confused by it ᵕ≀ ˘