weird story and a lolicon MC

yamamabitch March 13, 2024 7:36 pm

fuck yall mean respectable MC?? this bitch has a whole ass harem of children

    Chocolate cookies March 15, 2024 4:11 pm

    I thought it was just me overthinking it tbh but I’m glad someone thought the same. Especially with the random poses, it weirds me out. And don’t even get me started on the ‘curse’ the FL has ( ̄へ ̄)

    Jack Pyroy1000 March 23, 2024 7:09 pm

    You don't know the definition of harem, do you? A Harem is a group of women that are in a relationship with the same guy or is at least romantically interested in the same guy. Where do you see the MC having romantic desire for little girls? Chapter and page number. I'll wait. On second thought, I'll save you the trouble. You don't.

    Jack Pyroy1000 March 23, 2024 7:36 pm
    I thought it was just me overthinking it tbh but I’m glad someone thought the same. Especially with the random poses, it weirds me out. And don’t even get me started on the ‘curse’ the FL has ( ̄へ... Chocolate cookies

    What harem? There's no romance between the fatherly MC and the little girls. A group of girls in the same area as a guy doesn't make a harem. Random poses don't make a the MC a creep with a harem of little girls either. That's a completely unrelated issue. Even your treatment of Yuna (The CEO lady) is unwarranted because she behaves like a doting and affectionate sister. I'm not sure what you dislike about Yuna but I assure you that it's not as significant as you make it out to be.

    Chocolate cookies March 23, 2024 9:13 pm
    What harem? There's no romance between the fatherly MC and the little girls. A group of girls in the same area as a guy doesn't make a harem. Random poses don't make a the MC a creep with a harem of little girl... Jack Pyroy1000

    Harem doesn’t have to be when they’re in a relationship with the MC, at least not in manga, manhua, and anime. They don’t go by the actual definition of a harem, it’s more of when an MC is surrounded by female characters who for some reason all have romantic feelings towards him. I get what you mean though and I don’t completely agree with him having a harem of children but I don’t get why he constantly has to gain human or human looking daughters, like what’s the point? and the fact that his love interest is in a form of a child is disturbing and unnecessary, it makes me suspicious of the creator’s intent in making this.

    Also, I never even mentioned anything about disliking her character in that comment, (don’t worry I’m not one of those people who hate female characters in shonen) I actually like her and how she treats the girls, I just don’t like that the focus of the story is about a man and his adopted daughter and then the person who happens to fall for him is also in a child’s body. It’s disturbing to me because some of these male shonen authors end up being incels or pedophiles so I’m just scared about the direction this one is going ┗( T﹏T )┛

    Lastly the poses ARE weird and I never mentioned that the MC is a creep lol I just tried to question the artist choice of poses for little children. (Which has been proven to be used by weird artists)

    Sorry for the long reply but you put a lot of words in my mouth that I literally never said so I had to clarify ヾ(❀╹◡╹)ノ~

    Jack Pyroy1000 March 27, 2024 6:10 am
    Harem doesn’t have to be when they’re in a relationship with the MC, at least not in manga, manhua, and anime. They don’t go by the actual definition of a harem, it’s more of when an MC is surrounded by... Chocolate cookies

    So you should have mentioned that. You made it look like you had a problem with the characters themselves. Primary because your words sound like you agree with Yamamabitch. You were the one who said, "I thought it was just me overthinking it tbh but I’m glad someone thought the same", or am I wrong? That sounds like you were agreeing to Yamamabitch's post about a child harem. Just saying that you should pay more attention to what you agree to. Now on to the next topic: Yuma looking like a little girl.
    It's weird but I wouldn't worry about Yuna looking like a little girl. Don't forget that she's only like that because of a immortality elixir. Apparently, reversing it will allow her to reach her proper appearance. It seems to be a plot point that I'm hoping will be more like the author is simply using the fact that she looks like a child to be a foil for her romantic desires. Although, currently it's one sided. And yes, the poses are weird. But I believe that it's simply for comedic relief and not much else. In other words, chalk it up to an attempt at Korean humor and weird tastes.

    Chocolate cookies March 27, 2024 7:59 am
    So you should have mentioned that. You made it look like you had a problem with the characters themselves. Primary because your words sound like you agree with Yamamabitch. You were the one who said, "I thought... Jack Pyroy1000

    Yeah, true, I responded to the wrong post but I really don’t need to explain that I don’t hate a character when I didn’t mention that I hated them, so you assuming two things I didn’t write wasn’t the right response either tbh.

    Secondly, pedophilia is a serious issue everywhere nowadays, especially in that part of the world so saying it’s just ‘weird’ tastes undermines so many issues with the author making the FM a child in the first place regardless of the reason given in the plot. I mean nothing would have changed if he didn’t ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭ You can be immortal and an ADULT!

    I’m not a moral police or anything, tbh when I started reading this I also thought it was just ‘weird’ and thought nothing of it cause of the cute story but then I learnt what women and little girls have to suffer in Japan, Korea, etc on an unimaginable scale which means the implication of making something like this isn’t small at all.

    That’s my personal reason for dropping it but I’m not trying to make anyone drop it so enjoy what you enjoy and maybe I SHOULD have made my own comment instead of replying to this one so sorry about that ig. Hope this explained my thoughts more ヾ(❀╹◡╹)ノ~

    Jack Pyroy1000 March 29, 2024 3:33 am
    Yeah, true, I responded to the wrong post but I really don’t need to explain that I don’t hate a character when I didn’t mention that I hated them, so you assuming two things I didn’t write wasn’t the... Chocolate cookies

    Yeah, that doesn't make sense. You made a mistake and I was not aware of that. How could I at the time. How would I think you would be talking about something else? I was simply reading it how it was written. It would be weird ( and simply impossible) not to reach that assumption.

    Secondly, I heavily agree that pedophilia and child abuse is wrong but that is a completely unrelated and separate matter from this manhua. Afterall, SHE'S AN ADULT!! And yes, adults that look like children are a thing. Oh, and this could just be another bait and switch. Remember, the same thing happened with that hunter girl with a cat. Now she's dating the clone guy.

    Chocolate cookies March 29, 2024 9:42 am
    Yeah, that doesn't make sense. You made a mistake and I was not aware of that. How could I at the time. How would I think you would be talking about something else? I was simply reading it how it was written. I... Jack Pyroy1000

    First, don’t assume what you don’t know and instead ask for someone to explain before jumping to several conclusions on your own. What I said and what you assumed had NOTHING to do with each other. I was more trying to say the creator making her look like a child is weird as well as the poses.

    Adults don’t look like children my dear, I don’t know were you’ve seen that but even as a really short baby faced woman myself, no one has ever assumed that I look like a kid, just young. Plus that doesn’t have anything to do with this situation since she’s not just short but is actually in the form of a child.

    Let’s not give excuses for creators making weird shit like these, there are lines that should be drawn. Like do they pay you? There are soooo many plot paths that this could take that won’t make people question them for being a pedo but their grown ass decided to take that route and REMEMBER, this is media coming out of a place where sexual crimes against women and little girls are at an all time high. Did you even read my reply?

    I don’t know what else you are not getting, if you aren’t seeing the point I’m making then it means you’re purposefully not letting yourself understand at this point. Please my dear, enjoy the story all you want, as for me, I’m dropping it. Bye ml ヾ(❀╹◡╹)ノ~

    Chocolate cookies March 29, 2024 9:43 am
    Yeah, that doesn't make sense. You made a mistake and I was not aware of that. How could I at the time. How would I think you would be talking about something else? I was simply reading it how it was written. I... Jack Pyroy1000

    I went to your page and saw the type of shit you read and I don’t even know why I wasted my time with you. Gosh

    Jack Pyroy1000 March 29, 2024 7:05 pm
    Yeah, that doesn't make sense. You made a mistake and I was not aware of that. How could I at the time. How would I think you would be talking about something else? I was simply reading it how it was written. I... Jack Pyroy1000

    Not cool cookie.
    Maybe I'm not clear enough. You make assumptions everyday even if you don't realize it. When you eat food you assume that it's not poisoned and safe to eat. If you play chess then you are assuming what the other person will play. If you go outside then you assume it's safe. You even made an assumption about me based on my tastes in manga. Heck, you're making an assumption right now about the author even though you do not know them or their circumstances. You have never met them nor have you ever spoken to them directly.
    So just like how I misunderstood your comment (due to your mistake btw) maybe you misunderstood them and took things out of context. How do you know that they didn't just make it with innocent intentions? Now what was that you said about not making assumptions? My point is that every time you make a decision, you are also making an assumption. That assumption is "This is the right choice." The truth is that There's nothing wrong with assumptions. It's normal to do. The problem is with "BASELESS" assumptions. Not everyone in those countries are mistreating children. Pedophiles are in every country. Because youThe crux of your argument is basically you using a generalization to call them a pedophile. Your argument is boiled down to a You are essentially giving the impression that all people in those countries are pedophiles and that's not true.

    Secondly, adults that look like children do exist. Just because YOU have never met them doesn't mean that it doesn't exist. It's called Highlander Syndrome. Look it up. You don't know everyone so why would you assume that these people wouldn't exist? Heck, I met someone the other day with a face that looked like a 10 year old kid but with adult propositions. This is completely different from just being short.

    And finally, a single character alone doesn't make a pedophile. Mainly because of 2 reasons. She's an adult and story is fictional. It's not real. And thus is unrelated to the crimes you keep talking about. Unless you have proof that the author is a pedo that touches real kids then you have nothing.

    Chesney cal April 20, 2024 6:05 pm
    Not cool cookie. Maybe I'm not clear enough. You make assumptions everyday even if you don't realize it. When you eat food you assume that it's not poisoned and safe to eat. If you play chess then you are assu... Jack Pyroy1000

    I actually agree with this your sentiment not once have they actually asked how old the spirit or fairy and elve are just because they look like children doesn’t mean they are children I met people who look under their actual age but are much older I met someone who is 30 and looks sixteen and they also not realizing is that they are not human and they may age differently I also hate how people react to reincarnation romances due to fact less believes you don’t know if others have reincarnated with out there memories it not even a hint of pedos in there story it is my opinion that people judge on baseless fact it is annoying what also more annoying is this make believe and fairytale and they think it real it is not real and not reality instead of being a dimwit and stalking his/her page btw you just literally stalked him or her
    Yes it might be an open web site but you literally look at his or her page to enhance judgemental fact less beliefs because you know you were wrong this doesn’t promote pedophilia and make me have a fact less opinion of your mental state cookie who even thinks this way if it prompted pedo therefore on baseless facts everyone that enjoys this is a pedo

    Chocolate cookies April 21, 2024 1:35 pm
    Not cool cookie. Maybe I'm not clear enough. You make assumptions everyday even if you don't realize it. When you eat food you assume that it's not poisoned and safe to eat. If you play chess then you are assu... Jack Pyroy1000

    Bro read what you want, if you want to keep reading stuff that a child or child looking character ends up with an adult keep telling your self you or the author are not pedos and pat yourself on the back, it’s fine . As for me I’d rather be wrong and avoid weird shit than the possibility of me reading something from the brain of a pedo. It literally gives me the ick. And twisting my words to say all Asians are pedos is a low blow, like when did I say that now? (Again with the assumptions ) it’s literally factual that sexual crimes against minors are increasing there recently but that doesn’t mean everyone is a pedo there obviously! Pedos are everywhere, like obviously??

    As for the Highlander syndrome, it’s so rare so don’t even bring it into the argument. It just makes you more of a weirdo. Having the face of a kid doesn’t make someone one of course, it’s cAlLeD Baby face, LoOk iT uP

    Thanks for the lesson about assumptions though, I learned a lot from you (looks like someone is a scholar).

    And for the person supporting you, wtf are you even saying, like you wrote a whole ass essay and still didn’t make sense?? It’s a public page so checking if I’m speaking to a sane person is very normal cause someone who consumes weird shit will always defend weird shit. Exhibit A

    Chocolate cookies April 21, 2024 1:48 pm
    I actually agree with this your sentiment not once have they actually asked how old the spirit or fairy and elve are just because they look like children doesn’t mean they are children I met people who look u... Chesney cal

    I’m not even going to reply much to you, you didn’t even make one ounce of sense here so it’s obvious that nothing will change if I argue with you keep living in your fairy tale world where media you consume doesn’t dictate what person you are. Good job with that lol

    Hea May 21, 2024 3:59 pm

    ijbol. people found the word "harem" and now associate it to every manhwa my god

    Jack Pyroy1000 May 26, 2024 6:55 am
    ijbol. people found the word "harem" and now associate it to every manhwa my god Hea

    I know right? There is hating overly cringey stuff and then there's this.

    Leahhhhh June 11, 2024 5:24 pm


    Leahhhhh June 11, 2024 5:26 pm
    I thought it was just me overthinking it tbh but I’m glad someone thought the same. Especially with the random poses, it weirds me out. And don’t even get me started on the ‘curse’ the FL has ( ̄へ... Chocolate cookies


    Chocolate cookies June 11, 2024 8:13 pm