
eli_james March 13, 2024 3:48 pm

diana and the prince will break up, diana doesnt wanna have kids but they need a heir so they ended their relationship.
tthe prince married someone else & soon enough got pregnant..

hestia & kael gonna have 4 kiddos..

    spagetiii March 13, 2024 4:20 pm

    so glad for the crown prince, hopefully he's happier with the new one

    Lovenogg March 14, 2024 5:37 am

    Don't get me wrong I personally don't want kids but marrying into a royal family your job is to literally have children to continue the line. Why did she waste everyone's time? What did they do the first night of their wedding? I get that you can just adopt a son from a related line if all fails but still dumb to put yourself in a position where certain things are expected especially if you're not nobility