You can hate me for my opinion.

spilled.cranberry March 13, 2024 2:41 pm

I really despise the fact that Eclis betrayed Penelope but I can't fully hate him.

Looking at his (Eclis) point of view, having to find that variable (aka Yvonne) to break free Penelope from the Eckart household was the only choice he saw. Knowing that Penelope can't just leave the family in a whim, he find that it would be the pushing point to return the 'original' daughter to pave a way for her to leave them. The things that he didn't consider are Pen's feelings and how that action would affect her. Why can't he see it? Because he is too blinded to cut the connection between the Eckart family and Penelope. He wants for her to be happy and I guess to be with her. He thought that it would make his master happy, but alas he acted contradictory to Penelope's plan.

I can't really blame him since he did not know the plan of Penelope. That guy is getting impatient since his master is moving multiple steps away from him despite the advances she made, so he made an action for himself. Poor guy just wanting to be praised but got abandoned.

    tracethingy March 13, 2024 2:49 pm

    i think it's right to say that right now ecklis is too obsessed w/penelope to the point he's so impatient and only think 'how can i get her to myself now?' maybe it's, too, was due to the persuasion of yvonne because i remember reading the spoiler that said yvone is the reason why ecklis betrayed penelope, making him afraid penelope will abandon him, and so the feelings of obsession that already there now grow bigger