Sorry to the proper grammar babies<3

⋆☄MARS°•☄ March 13, 2024 1:38 pm


    Luzy March 13, 2024 4:16 pm

    Greetings, Mars. You seem to be in a precarious situation. However, allow me to assure you that some individuals, myself included, are simply cordial and esteemed by nature, reminiscent of your esteemed mother. Furthermore, I would be absolutely thrilled if you wish to meet me in a challenge of strength, a delightful affair, I am sure. My, my, how marvelous! Excuse my impetuous enthusiasm sir!

    Meow March 13, 2024 4:36 pm
    Greetings, Mars. You seem to be in a precarious situation. However, allow me to assure you that some individuals, myself included, are simply cordial and esteemed by nature, reminiscent of your esteemed mother.... Luzy

    This just made my day

    Luzy March 13, 2024 5:23 pm
    This just made my day Meow

    I extend my heartfelt greetings to you, dear Miss Meow.
    I wish to express my deepest thanks for the opportunity to have been the impetus behind bringing joy into your day.
    Making someone feel happy, no matter how small the gesture, is an honorable ambition that I hold very dearly.

    Don't let anything bring your smile down. If a bad day comes, make it end happily.
    Treat yourself to some delicious snacks, snuggle up in your comfy bed, and lose yourself in those heart-warming BL stories that make your feet kick up and down with delight. You are deserving of happiness, my dear Miss Meow, and may it always accompany you on this path we call life.

    After all, everyone deserves happiness, and may this year be filled with love, laughter and many days of happiness.

    Sincerely yours,

    Your knight, Luzy.

    ⋆☄MARS°•☄ March 15, 2024 1:04 am
    Greetings, Mars. You seem to be in a precarious situation. However, allow me to assure you that some individuals, myself included, are simply cordial and esteemed by nature, reminiscent of your esteemed mother.... Luzy

    I will bite you STTPWOPPWWPNAA

    ⋆☄MARS°•☄ March 15, 2024 1:05 am
    I extend my heartfelt greetings to you, dear Miss Meow. I wish to express my deepest thanks for the opportunity to have been the impetus behind bringing joy into your day. Making someone feel happy, no matter h... Luzy

    If I tell you that you made my day too will you write a paragraph for me

    Luzy March 15, 2024 7:13 pm
    I will bite you STTPWOPPWWPNAA ⋆☄MARS°•☄

    Bite me or mark me, either is alright with me sir!
    Alas, I do require a little preparation... I am a delicate and sensitive creature, so please be gentle with me. It would be greatly appreciated if we could first engage in the honorable tradition of "pinky promise" to ease my worries. Will you be so kind as to make this promise to me, sir? The last thing I wish is to be killed by your sharp teeth. May I be clear, if you fail to accept my conditions, no biting or marking will be allowed.

    Luzy March 15, 2024 7:14 pm
    If I tell you that you made my day too will you write a paragraph for me ⋆☄MARS°•☄

    Oh sir Mars, Mars, Mars... I shake my head and grin widely at the response you gave me. Do you know what your words mean to me? Probably not, allow me to explain,
    it made me get up from my chair and dance the Irish tap dance just for you! Do you realize, my sir, what you have accomplished?
    No one has ever made me do the "Irish tap dance" out of happiness!
    It felt like my heart burst with joy and my body moved on its own...
    I, a respected noble, am genuinely grateful for the words you have just spoken. To have made your day... Is truly amazing!
    In a billion years, I never imagined someone that adorable desire my paragraph!
    If I could, I would hold your hands in mine, kneel down, and bless you with whatever while crying, my kind sir!
    My oh my, I would engrave your name on my forehead and proudly declare that I, Luzy, the noblest of them all, have brightened your day! I am so elated, I could establish an entire Empire just for you, my sir! Thank you, no amount of gratitude will be enough to truly convey how I feel.

    Ps: My dear sir, I am still looking forward to our "Challenge of Strength" with great anticipation. The prospect of testing our mettle in a "physical" contest excites me, and I am eager to see how our "skills" match up. Let us not delay this encounter any further, for I believe it will be a memorable "experience" for both of us.

    Your everlasting companion,

    Luzy March 15, 2024 7:51 pm
    Oh sir Mars, Mars, Mars... I shake my head and grin widely at the response you gave me. Do you know what your words mean to me? Probably not, allow me to explain, it made me get up from my chair and dance the I... Luzy

    would desire*

    ⋆☄MARS°•☄ March 17, 2024 11:36 am
    Bite me or mark me, either is alright with me sir! Alas, I do require a little preparation... I am a delicate and sensitive creature, so please be gentle with me. It would be greatly appreciated if we could fir... Luzy


    ⋆☄MARS°•☄ March 17, 2024 11:39 am
    Oh sir Mars, Mars, Mars... I shake my head and grin widely at the response you gave me. Do you know what your words mean to me? Probably not, allow me to explain, it made me get up from my chair and dance the I... Luzy

    Wow, yes, yes I love your tapdancing


    Luzy March 17, 2024 3:00 pm

    I beseech your forgiveness if I have erred in my actions, but I found it impossible to overlook such a truly golden opportunity, especially a line that smooth...

    Luzy March 17, 2024 3:00 pm
    Wow, yes, yes I love your tapdancing(Well luzy WE NEED TO SET UP A DATE AND TIME FOR THE "CHALLENGE") ⋆☄MARS°•☄

    I am most grateful, dear sir! Your discerning recognition of my tap dancing prowess has stirred within me a profound sense of... Warmth.

    Regarding the proposed rendezvous, allow me a moment of contemplation to deliberate on the matter.

    Mars... Mars... Luzy...

    In contemplation of the exquisite alignment in the concise nature of our names (4 letters), let us embark upon a challenge scheduled to unfold in the distinguished span of 4 years!
    This means the date will be customized by our names, sir.

    Fret not, for as the adage goes, patience is the quintessential key to achieving success!

    17.03.2028. Does that work for you, sir?

    With noble anticipation for our forthcoming duel, I remain as your loyal companion.

    Your shining star,

    ⋆☄MARS°•☄ March 18, 2024 12:37 am
    I am most grateful, dear sir! Your discerning recognition of my tap dancing prowess has stirred within me a profound sense of... Warmth.Regarding the proposed rendezvous, allow me a moment of contemplation to d... Luzy

    I am so glad you feel the joy that I do when I see your tapdancing.

    yes, that is good for me. When the time has come we will fight until the sun rises....

    Luzy March 18, 2024 5:37 pm
    I am so glad you feel the joy that I do when I see your tapdancing. yes, that is good for me. When the time has come we will fight until the sun rises.... ⋆☄MARS°•☄

    I shall eternally treasure that sensation, my gratitude knows no bounds. It warms my heart to witness your transformation for the greater good, employing a period (.) to conclude your utterances... What a delightful revelation! My joy knows no limits, Your Highness!

    In recognition of your esteemed evolution, I graciously adjust my mode of address: Sir shall now be replaced with Your Highness.

    Prepare yourself diligently for the impending challenge, lest you wish to be acquainted with defeat in a most embarrassing manner!
    Huhuhuhuhu tee-HEE-HAA--cough,cough.

    With jest and mirth, I bid you adieu until our paths cross again. Stay fabulous and remember, always keep a spare taco in your pocket for emergencies,


    ⋆☄MARS°•☄ March 20, 2024 7:55 am
    I shall eternally treasure that sensation, my gratitude knows no bounds. It warms my heart to witness your transformation for the greater good, employing a period (.) to conclude your utterances... What a delig... Luzy

    Farewell my enemy that I have not fought yet but will in four years, I hope you always keep a pizza in your back pocket for emergencies as well.

    Luzy March 20, 2024 12:30 pm
    Farewell my enemy that I have not fought yet but will in four years, I hope you always keep a pizza in your back pocket for emergencies as well. ⋆☄MARS°•☄

    Thank you, Your Highness! I shall do so. (☞ ° ʖ °)☞