Momo was purposefully stealing her boyfriends, for the money and the power basically, I was actually wondering what could she have done besides resort to violence with him, he was much to wild, and she was too young and ignorant to know how to properly react plus she was resentful since she was impregnated by her rapist so she reached a point where she didn’t want to be bothered with him anymore, But in real life what would a parent do if their underage child insisted on having sex for money let alone with grown men, call the police I guess, stop having boyfriends and send the kid to an asylum…idk it’s really an unimaginable situation but that’s what I like about the story is that momo knew he didn’t have the right to complain and so they left their relationship on a good (ish) note.

........ HE WAS A LITERAL CHILD???????????????????? he even said it himself, the reason he did those things was because he wanted his mother's love for himself only. of course the mother had her own share of troubles and it's understandable due to the amount of trauma she had, but she still fucked up and SHE KNEW IT. momo, the child who was taken advantage by the boyfriends and thought that sort of thing was normal. momo, the literal child who when he was assaulted his mother pretended not to see him. momo, who thought the world worked that way because he had no one to teach him that was not normal. also, send him to an asylum???? u ok??????
momo himself said during the last chapters that his mom could've protected him but she didn't and that's why they decided to part ways, because she felt really guilty (rightfully so) and momo didn't need her because she had Yata now. that was textual. i suggest you read it again because i am baffled you would end up BLAMING THE CHILD.

u cant call us gross after commenting something like that dude. yes fiction and real life is different but how u perceive this story is very real and very concerning. the way u blame a kid when he was raised in that kind of environment is crazy. harada is known for writing these kinds of stories without romanticising fucked up situations, so for u to come to a conclusion that momo “was much too wild” and “he had no right to complain” is really telling of how short sighted ur view is. the mum actually did fuck up. she had every reason to be resentful of her rapist but for her to be resentful of momo who had nothing to do with the reason he was born, for her to expose him to sex at such a young age and normalising prostitution for him and then getting jealous of the fact that hes getting more clients. this was all her choice. momo had NO CHOICE. momo looked 5 BRO

Go away, you’re a thief. If you're going to write a 20page think piece it should be about that. You’re not some shining example of morals first of all. You’re a literal criminal committing a crime in real time. Tf this is why I hate emotionally underdeveloped people! Can’t even have a half decent conversation without stupidity entering the chat. Who tf are you, Kick rocks.

tf you're talking about reality and fiction of course and separated but stories like these HAVE lessons and morals to them and you just ignored them because you lack reading comprehension. *this* story in particular needs more than surface reading because the characters are complex and it deals with heavy topics, topics you clearly cannot understand because you blamed the child when in the story itself it is textual he was NOT to blame for what happened to him. I am a shotacon, I like shotas, but even I can understand this is not just a kinky story and I treat it as it is: a story about child abuse, trauma and healing. it is NOT a typical fetish doujinshi where the evil child character seduces the adults (that's a kink, as long as it remains in the realm of fiction and 2D i dont care). this is not a conversation we should have when, i repeat, it is textual the fact that momo was a victim. YOU are the one with a defective brain because it is actually hilarous you came to that conclusion

lol im a thief? ur also a thief bro. at least i actually buy harada’s mangas whenever im in tokyo. and what’s wrong with defending my favourite author’s work? ur obviously shitting all over it with weird conclusions when that is NOT what harada was trying to convey and im here to write out that thinkpiece to prove u wrong. u have made zero arguments to support ur statement. all u did was throw out insults u think r smart and point fingers at us committing a crime ur committing urself lol ending this here bye

We are obviously not reading the same story, momo said himself more than 20times that he stole his mother’s boyfriends for money. He absolutely knew what he was doing maybe go back and reread it. I didn’t write it I’m just saying what I read and his mother didn’t protect him but he’s a villain too child or not, that’s how he is written idgaf about whatever personal real life issues you have that you are projecting onto the characters but it’s in plain black and white should I go back and post allllll the times he said he knew he was wrong or…?

Blyatsuka you act like an unloved and uneducated child and I really wish you would just stop…but that’s too much to ask of someone like you. You’re probably an 11 year old. Thinking you make so much sense meanwhile you sound like someone’s spoiled kid who can’t differentiate between reality and fiction. Pretending you have morals is ridiculous when you’re stealing from your self proclaimed favorite author.

Lol I can't believe there is someone not only making excuses for the scumbag mother but also trying to blame Momo for her behavior.
He didn't "steal" her boyfriends he was molestef then raped by them. She would hear Momo's whimpering as he was being gang raped by her male "customers"/boyfriends and was in the same room and not only do nothing, but act nasty towards Momo. Also, Momo impies that the mother was even getting paid by those mens to turn a blind eye as they raped him.

I’m simply saying what is already written so if that’s how it sounds then that’s how he written. He said all of that himself. She did try to sit him down and he told her she was just jealous of him….y’all are arguing but don’t even seem to have read the story at all I’m confused maybe you’re just trolling.

it is written that he was a child used by men, momo himself said his mother could've protected him but she didn't. IT IS TEXTUAL you are just being dense on purpose. of course he is a character written by an adult, but he is written to be a person who suffered and was traumatized in his childhood and during the points of his life he was a CHILD victim, that's what the whole story is about. you are both stupid, immature (tf does my mother have to do with any of this? you bringing her here just shows you lack any arguments besides AYYYYÑÑÑ HE'S A CHARACTER!!!11) and media comprehension and i wish you never go near any traumatized child because if this is how you view a character that very clearly IS made to represent what child sexual abuse and neglect can do to a person, i can't even begin to imagine what you would say to a real person lmaoooo you are nasty
as much as i love the mother having depth and her own set of trauma, it makes me happy you as a reader aren't forced to forgive her. momo didn't either and that's fine. she's a really horrible person who failed to do the bare minimun an adult has to do when seeing a child being hurt, to help them. i still can see her own pain, however. that's a sign of a good writer, harada is top tier