*literally chokes their partner to death* Audience: *crickets*…. *blushes while talking ...

AnonymousQ March 13, 2024 12:45 am

*literally chokes their partner to death*
Audience: *crickets*….
*blushes while talking to a girl*
Audience: “That’s too f#ckin far!!”

    Arysa March 13, 2024 11:29 am

    cause murder is fine but cheating is not- famous words of my bestie

    MADnightstar March 14, 2024 4:04 am

    Oh sure just conveniently forget all of Hyunwoo's terrible behaviour. His dismissive and patronizing attitude not to mention that he's cheating.

    Madz March 14, 2024 1:44 pm
    Oh sure just conveniently forget all of Hyunwoo's terrible behaviour. His dismissive and patronizing attitude not to mention that he's cheating. MADnightstar

    Its almost as if its not black n white ,, n that all of the characters has complexities.

    Batata March 14, 2024 1:56 pm

    I think because people see that murder as a build up for story while blush(more like suspicion of cheating) as a reason for that murder, maybe
    this story is grey, black hair guy got issues and from story it feels like purple hair guy is using him.