THE "Puss in boots" fanart thooooooo ⁄(⁄ ⁄·⁄ω⁄·⁄ ⁄)⁄

Snow March 12, 2024 9:40 pm

THE "Puss in boots" fanart thooooooo ⁄(⁄ ⁄·⁄ω⁄·⁄ ⁄)⁄

    Kana March 12, 2024 11:50 pm

    ? There’s nothing to blush about when it comes to two animals, that fanart was borderline gross

    Forgot March 13, 2024 1:27 am


    AverageWeirdo March 13, 2024 2:04 am

    Ignore the haters who can't tell the difference between sentient fictional anthropomorphic animals and their own pets--*that's* what's gross, lol

    Kana March 13, 2024 3:56 am

    If someone drew ur pet into an anthropomorphic animal and drew them fucking I’m sure that would be pretty gross

    Kana March 13, 2024 3:56 am

    Shipping animals together and then blushing over them are two different things smh

    Snow March 13, 2024 6:18 pm
    ? There’s nothing to blush about when it comes to two animals, that fanart was borderline gross Kana

    Did you even watch the animation with literal 2 fictional cats falling in love?? and the gender doesn't matter there No one is saying ewwww gross they're anthropomorphic animals ewww they love eachother and kissed ewww how could 2 cats in a FICTIONAL ANIMATION KISS EWWWW
    That's not gross eh?

    Snow March 13, 2024 6:21 pm
    Shipping animals together and then blushing over them are two different things smh Kana

    So yeah when you're watching animation and you think the "anthropomorphic animal" in this animation are cute tgt like "awww" kinda thing
    That's what the whole point of the animation might even be
    You're gross then? Pls grow up

    Kana March 13, 2024 6:26 pm

    Listen Snow, im not saying its wrong to see them fall in love or anything, that specific art piece we are talking about is fetish art this picture is not “aww”, it’s the artist making the wolf bro be lowkey weird with his tongue and shi in the animation they was not slurping and shit it was just normal meanwhile this art is just WEIRD

    Misuzu March 13, 2024 8:50 pm
    ? There’s nothing to blush about when it comes to two animals, that fanart was borderline gross Kana

    Not you missy kink shaming other people in a yaoi page..... the gall, the cheek, the nerve some people have.

    Kana March 14, 2024 3:20 am

    Ermmm kinks and feral art are two different things….are y’all ok…..

    Izasoup March 21, 2024 4:22 am
    ? There’s nothing to blush about when it comes to two animals, that fanart was borderline gross Kana

    Get off your high horse u gay porn lover

    Kana March 21, 2024 5:56 am
    Get off your high horse u gay porn lover Izasoup

    Comparing Bl to zoo porn aight keep goin what else u got LMAO

    Snow March 21, 2024 7:33 am
    Comparing Bl to zoo porn aight keep goin what else u got LMAO Kana

    Okay this comment section is becoming hilarious I started a war smh sorry yall

    Kana March 21, 2024 8:16 am

    Idek why ppl can’t stay mature and then start insulting out of nowhere, I didn’t insult anyone once

    Izasoup March 21, 2024 5:34 pm
    Comparing Bl to zoo porn aight keep goin what else u got LMAO Kana

    My point is, you also like something most people find disgusting yet u act like theres a line that was crossed when its still just drawings omygod. Its ridiculous.

    Kana March 22, 2024 3:06 am
    My point is, you also like something most people find disgusting yet u act like theres a line that was crossed when its still just drawings omygod. Its ridiculous. Izasoup

    I understand some people may not like gay stories, but gay stories are not crossing any lines of morally wrong things (only those weird ass r*pe stories that nobody should glorify) unless u dislike Bl cuz ur homophonic? But its unlike having people blush at someone’s fanart of two animals that are NOT anthropomorphic. Puss in boots is cat shaped and cat sized, just because he talks does not make him less cat shaped, he is a fucking cat that sometimes even walks on all fours, period. I’m an animal artist I’m not talkin out of my ass ffs. I was stating my opinion that it was gross seeing that fanart. Not answering after this cuz there isn’t a point when u guys have no clue wtf I’m talking about apparently, sorry for starting a “war” I just stated my opinion more aggressively than intended, yall are free to think whatever u want tbh, idrc atp

    Kana March 22, 2024 3:09 am
    My point is, you also like something most people find disgusting yet u act like theres a line that was crossed when its still just drawings omygod. Its ridiculous. Izasoup

    Ah yea one more thing before I skedaddle, it’s like saying I can’t call out p*dophillic drawings either just cuz I read Bl, I hope u understand how bizarre that sounds

    Izasoup March 22, 2024 5:02 am
    Ah yea one more thing before I skedaddle, it’s like saying I can’t call out p*dophillic drawings either just cuz I read Bl, I hope u understand how bizarre that sounds Kana

    Dude, the morality argument is so dumb. There is no such thing. Its just opinions upon opinions of dumb people that think their vision of life is the correct one. "Gay stuff cant be immoral, obviously." Except its not obvious at all. You were told that narrative and you ate it up, just as the people who where told it was wrong ate it up. I know that because you also believe that blushing while looking at drawings (even pedophillic drawings) is wrong, when theres no actual reason to back that up (if you use your brain you will realize this) its just that you dont like it, which is fine, but dont act all high and mighty about it as if your way of thinking is the correct one. What really bothers me is that you are a hipocrite. You can't see the irony of your conviccions and are dumber than the homophobes (they fear loss of order which is much more valid than fear of drawings) and thats very, well, dumb.

    I know you said you won't answer but i just wanted to tell you im not actually angry with you or want to hurt you or anything i just think you are dumb.

    Snow March 22, 2024 1:03 pm
    I understand some people may not like gay stories, but gay stories are not crossing any lines of morally wrong things (only those weird ass r*pe stories that nobody should glorify) unless u dislike Bl cuz ur ho... Kana

    Nawww I'm the who literally started a war by putting a blushing emoji next to my comment even tho I didn't even look at the fanart twice
    I was just being silly
    But like we also read BL stories w animal ears and tails
    Most gays are utterly disgusted by ppl like us who fetish bl/gl porn
    So either of us is better than the other really
    I don't fetish what you call "animal porn" I just liked the art and didn't take it too deep nor did I blush it was just a form of being silly

    Snow March 22, 2024 1:08 pm
    Dude, the morality argument is so dumb. There is no such thing. Its just opinions upon opinions of dumb people that think their vision of life is the correct one. "Gay stuff cant be immoral, obviously." Except ... Izasoup

    Exactly, I have a few gay friends who think the same
    They find it disgusting how female readers fetish BL porn soo