Media Literacy and Nuance

LayLights March 12, 2024 7:07 pm

People are allowed to like both of these characters just as people are allowed to hate both of these characters and point out their flaws. To express said views. Hell, there's no stopping someone from deciding to hate another person who sees and enjoys this as something 'cute'. And others are allowed to act defensive or be dismissive about it. It might give others ideas about that person, but it's no one's problem but their own to deal with.

These topic sections can be a bit of a dumpster fire sometimes, but even if it's tame, you're gonna find the tension and negative comments no matter what you're reading. Best thing to do is not let it affect you, or provide your stance on whatever it is in a respectful, meaningful, and concise way if you wanna avoid tensions building too high.

That being said, I love this so much! I am enchanted by these two character's dynamic and am absolutely ENDEARED by Eunho~ He's such a cutie patootie! And I kind of like Jaewon being both mean and considerate of him. I know he's a manipulative bastard, but if he can fluster Eunho and make him cry tears of either pleasure, embarrassment, or hurt that he comforts with some sort of reassurance, that is than followed up with some semblance of aftercare, than I am sold. Super weak for a Uke that cries and flusters so prettily if there's comfort and a happy conclusion involved lol.

[If the before paragraphs don't make this clear, disclaimer that I wouldn't condone this type of relationship or behavior in a real world scenario.]
