Fuck that blonde bitch

8inchdetachablestrap March 12, 2024 6:23 pm

I literally hate and i mean DETEST the "Golden Blonde Coldhearted Emperor thats sometimes Smug and Flirtatious" bcoz theyre so entitled. And the way serena said it straight up: he just wanted control of her. Thats how all the romances with this character archetype go and i feel like not a lot of people notice how toxic it really is. And not even in a hot way, its just stupid and the trope is oversaturated. We should normalize healthy and loving relationships between girlhusbands and their submissive and fertile wives. Trophy Husband singlehandedly dismantling the unhealthy dynamic between straight couples with one veiled bridegroom at a time

    Velvet March 9, 2025 3:06 pm

    I straight up read this and went "The Great Gatsby" Gatsby who came from nothing build a empire and had riches and fame. He wanted who's her face who the sisters of the narrator. A girl who was beautiful and and wanted by many. Gatsby said he loved her but just wanted a women to show off. The king was seen as someone weak and unwanted who was sent to battlefields. Finding a girl who came from nowhere with a power so grand he knew he must bring her to his side and keep her. Wanted her by his side by the end but continued to be blindsided. Wow ✪ω✪ never thought I would remember this after years